Christmas Morning Surprise

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(A/N: Ok, big time skip, here! Also, some mornings I wake up feeling like him. *I wanted to sleep in* and this chapter is a split POV)
                    —— Steve's POV ——
       I wake up, I speak slowly to Friday, "Is everyone awake?" "Yes, Captain." "Thank you." over these past few days the meds that Bruce has made for me are really helping. I can talk normally now, it takes me awhile to eat hard food so it's must precut for me but I've started walking now in PT, Adam gave me crutches to use, which I've delicately hid from everyone. I stumble out of bed, and slowly walk to wear the crutches are hidden and leg braces to help me move better.
      I grasp firmly on the handles and take a few steps with them, the knee braces doing their thing, I smile at myself, this will be a Christmas never to forget. I put on a christmas themed hoodie with a green tee and some sweatpants which look like normal pants. I open the door by myself, everyone is either sitting on the couches or at the Island. They're talking so they don't notice me yet.
                    —— Your POV ——
     You finally finished putting the family album together and hid it for a scavenger hunt later today. You were talking with Uncle Bucky about Dad's progress on PT. When you looked up and stopped talking, Bucky started getting worried then he looked over where you were staring. Your Dad was walking, but he had crutches, he was walking though. Then everyone looked over to you and Bucky then looked over to where you were looking. You felt a smile grace your lips, as everyone started grinning, clapping & cheering.
                    —— Steve's POV ——
        They're all clapping and cheering, I see smiles all around. Y/N jumps off her chair and comes running up to me and crushes me in a long loving hug. "Dad, you're walking." "I know, sweetie, this was my surprise for everyone today." she nods, I grin. Nat's eyes almost pop out her head, "You're out of your chair." I nod, "I've been doing this in PT and most of the times once I'm done for the day, I fall asleep and I'm in the chair for the rest of the day." she nods, "So you do get worn out walking?" I nod, "I've been doing the parallel bars for a few days and have progressed pretty fast. So he got me going on crutches the other day." she nods, Peggy hugs me, for cyborg it's pretty hard to believe she is one, she can pass as human very convincingly.
        I sit down on the stool, "What's for breakfast?" "Christmas themed pancakes. Some are different colored and others have M&Ms in them." I nod, I'm still weak, but not as bad where I could barely do anything or talk normally. Y/N holds onto me when I'm sitting on the stool, "Baby?" "Hmm?" "You're happy I'm walking?" she nods into my chest, I feel my chest fill with warmth.
                       —— Your POV ——
    You sat on your Dad's lap, and the two of you shared pancakes off of his plate. Your Dad still had nutrient bags sometimes, they were smaller but they were only used if your Dad was too tired sometimes, which still happened a few days a week.
      You finished your pancakes, Steve then asked "Y/N, what're you grinnin about?" "I have a scavenger hunt I want you all to do." he nodded, as everyone started listening intently. You gave clues and your Dad felt wobbly, "Chair?" you asked, he nodded, his bedroom was down the very long hall. Your Mom grabbed the chair, everyone became worried, he said "Guys, it's ok. It's gonna take time for me to be up to normal speed. Besides the PTist said it's ok to use my chair still since I get worn out walking very easily and if I walk to long I could faint since I use more energy now than before. It takes a lot focus because I feel like I have to tell my brain to make my feet to move." they nodded but worry never left their faces.
                 —— Steve's POV ——
     I sat down in my chair, we were off to go on this scavenger hunt my daughter had setup. We finally find the item, and she says "Now back to the living room." we go back to the living room. We all sit on couches, near the tree, Christmas music playing in the background. She says "Friday, can you put what I made displayed on the TV as well?" "Sure thing." the TV shows pictures that were taken over these past quite a few months.
      Some of them are of our big family being serious to being goofy and one of them is when, "WHO SHARPIED A MUSTACHE ON MY FACE?!" Y/N giggles, at my question, "Oh little one, you have much too fear with Papa Bear." she only laughs harder as I tickle her. It's all smiles around. Then a man with a white beard shows up, "Santa?" "Ho ho ho, Merry Christmas, everyone!!" I see Tony mouth something. He carries a big sack filled boxes,  and passes them around, we each end up with 2 presents in different sizes and shapes.

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