Motorbike Course

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—— Steve's POV ——
It's nearing valentines day, Y/N is eager for spring, cause I'm gonna teach her how to ride but I'll be using my body double on the road with her. Peggy says "She'll love it, Steve, I'm sure of it." I'm now just on my braces to help me walk with a cane. I walk to Y/N's door, "Hey Y/N, can I come in?" she stands there with red eyes, "Ladybug, what's wrong." she sniffles and wraps me in a hug. "Dad, can I go see uncle Bruce?" "Ok." she runs off to go to the lab.
Nat says "What happened?" "I have not a clue, Nat, not a single clue." she nods, "Well, go see if everything is ok." "That's what I'm going to do." I make my way to the elevator to head down to the lab.
I get out of the elevator to see Y/N sitting on a table, I knock, "Hey Steve, come on in." Y/N looks down at her hands, "Sweetie?" Bruce says "Y/N, it's ok, can you wait in the hall." she gets up off the table and shuts the door. "Now I feel like I failed at being a father." I say, Bruce shakes his head, "No Steve, you didn't fail. Y/N is going through what us men nowadays called Shark Week." "Oh." "Yeah, so you need to get her lady things." "Ok." "A heating pad, chocolate, and spend time with her. Now it's your turn to wait hand & foot for her." "Bruce, I feel awful now too." "Steve, this is part of the growing spurts she's had, we just didn't know if or when it would happened. Ok?" I nod, I feel tears slide down my cheeks, "Steve, come here." he gives me a hug.
He then says "It's ok, you'll get through this. But be prepared if she gets cranky, it's just hormones in her brain that are going half-crazy. So don't be afraid if she comes off part demon, it's apart of Shark Week." I nod, "Ok, thanks Bruce." "And you might want to have her change her sheets." I nod, I walk off to go to back to the communal floor.
        I come out of the elevator, Y/N looks like crap but it's her first Shark Week, so Bruce said that's to be expected. "Hey, ladybug." "Hi Dad." "What do you want to do, since today's Saturday?" "Watch movies." "I can agree with you on that." she smiles.
         —— (Time Skip to Valentine's Day) ——
   I wake up, I have her helmet wrapped up in a valentines themed wrapping paper. "Ladybug, time to wake up." "Hmm. 5 minutes." "C'mon kiddo, you're on suspension, but today is gonna be a fun day." she sits up in bed, "Ok, Dad." she gets up, "Oh and safety first!" she looks at me funny, then asks "Open?" I nod, "My first motorcycle helmet?" I nod, "Today you get to learn." she hugs me, "Thanks, Dad!!" "You're welcome, Ladybug." I slapped a ladybug sticker near the base of the helmet last night. It's reflective but cool.

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