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—— Steve's POV —-
I hear beeping, I'm tired then I feel something warm snuggled up on top of me. I open my eyes, lights bright, I close them. I hear "Cap?" "What?" "You passed out and hit your head, Cap. Your daughter cried so bad, we sat her on top of you, she fell asleep and became content. She's on your chest. We wrapped her in the wrap to hold her in place." "Ok." I pull my hand up to her head.
I feel her small head, "Hi sweetie." I open my eyes barely to see her, her eyes open and she smiles, "I'm gonna be ok, baby girl." she gurgles. I rub my thumb on her head, she coos and gurgles, "Did you guys give her a bath?" "She trusts Nat and that's it. Other than that, Bucky is the only one who she won't flip out on. Other than that, it's you three." I nod, Bucky says "She fell asleep in my arms, Steve, Nat cleaned her and gave her a bath." I nod, "She likes the smell of you so we had to make a baby blanket that would smell of you." I smile and nod, "You like Daddy's smell?" I ask her, she gurgles, "Even when I'm all gross?" she smiles & gurgles.
"How long have I been out?" "A couple of days." "Oh geez." Tony walks in, "Um, Steve promise me you won't be mad at me." "Tony?" "I made this with Bruce while you were out. We made a cybernetic Peggy Carter. It's got all of her memories, she's water resistant, I programmed so much, she can be quite convincing." "Has Y/N been near her?" "Yes, she likes her." "Hello, Steve." "Peggy?" I cry, "It's ok, Steve, I'm here, love." I sob, "Thank you, Tony." Tony nods, "She might need a couple repairs every few months or so." I nod, "But she should be good now." I nod. "Are you ok if I hold Y/N?" I nod, Y/N coos happily at CP (Cybernetic Peggy = CP) she holds her.
Peggy smiles at her, "Steve?" "Yes, Pegs?" "She loves you." Y/N makes grabby hands at me. "I think we need to let Daddy rest some more, Y/N." she walks away with Y/N in her arms. "Please tell me she's not like Ultron." "She will never be like ultron because I made a Protective Mommy Protocol on her hard drive." I nod, "Tony, thank you." he nods."We also have a trunk of modern day clothes for her as well." I nod, "It's amazing what you did. It's like she's really here." "I know, Steve, but it's not really her but it's like a carbon copy as close as we can get to having her back." I nod, "I'm happy though." "I know. Get some rest, ok?" "Thanks, Tony." he nods and I'm alone. I fall asleep after Peggy comes back with Y/N, "Miss your Daddy?" I ask, she gurgles. We fall asleep just like that, her on my chest, a happy baby, and me a content father.

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