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                     ——- Your POV ——
    You felt your bones snap and pop back into the body of a wolf. Your fur poofed out on your large body, you had remained a human mind but had the body of a wolf. This was your third time shifting, it was weird for you and your family watching. You didn't know if you wanted to be human with everything going on, then Aunt Nat appeared.
     You watched her talk to Uncle Clint, she watched you. You were the wolf of the family. You were the one who could choose civilization or become a nomad. You wanted to stay in the woods but then you felt a sharp prick of something in your neck. You saw your world go dark. You felt your body fighting it. You closed your eyes.
——- (Time Skip) ——-
You woke up in a room, your body had gotten stuck mid shift. You had wolf ears and the tail, along with your legs were still highly wolf like. Then a few seconds your body finished shifting into its human form, you now looked like your old self. Your Uncle Loki stood before you, "A powerful human, I see. I'm your Uncle Loki." "I know." "That's good, you must get mischievous side from me." you shrugged. He gave you basic clothes, a scrub top/no pockets with shorts.
You changed below the blanket you had been covered with your Dad was infuriated at you and Uncle Clint. You wanted to go back to Alaska, it was beautiful but if you asked, you might end up grounded. You had two guards follow you up to the communal floor of the tower.
The doors opened to reveal your Dad who depended on crutches now, Aunt Nat, Uncle Bruce, Uncle Thor, Lady Frigga of all people, Uncle Bucky, Uncle Sam, Rhodey, Aunt Pepper, Aunt Wanda, Uncle Vis, and so the list went on. They all had their arms crossed and your Dad's eyes narrowed. "Go to your room and we will talk later." he said, the guards pushed you out of the elevator and Aunt Wanda glided you to your room.
Your door shut and locked itself behind you, Friday said "Welcome back, Miss Rogers. It has been 15 days since you were last in your room." "Is the door locked?" "Yes, and it has been overridden by Mr. Stark on your father's wishes." "How long will I be stuck here?" "I believe he wishes you to clean your room and talk to Lady Frigga about your actions. Also, are you hungry?" "No." "Of course, I shall send in Lady Frigga."
      She came into your room, and said "Y/N, I'm glad you are ok. I know these past few weeks have been unsettling." you nodded, "Dear child, we all go through times of change and times of despair. I know your father is recovering, you are now scared, little one, it's ok to have fear of the unknown but sometimes the fear of the unknown weighs to much so we shall follow the sound of our beating drum internally to see the light on our path." you sobbing and she hugged, "I'm sorry for acting the way I did." "Honey, it's ok, you had a meltdown. On Asgard we have certain people who have what you call Autism on Earth. You can return to Asgard, just ask Heimdall to open the Bifrost." you nodded.
       "How's Uncle Thor?" "He's worried, highly concerned for your well being same as your poor father who nearly had a heart attack when I showed up." you nodded, she hugged you close, the two of you talked. The door knocked again, this time it was all the girls. They all talked to you in their own way letting you know that your Dad had gotten angry when you disappeared.
         They left and this time it was your Uncles who were highly disgusted by your actions, except for Uncle Vis who understood everything which helped to a certain extent. He talked to you about it, and he didn't give a reprimand or a reprieve of the situation.
           Then lastly your father, his eyes were bloodshot, tears had made tracks down his face, his beard unshaven, and he looked terrible. "Y/N, I love you, kiddo." and you sobbed, kept sobbing, you laid your head down facing his stomach and bawled. He massaged your scalp, and you fell asleep in an instant.
                    —— (Time Skip) ——
        You woke up, your Dad smiled at you, "You're grounded but Tony bought a compound so no city until you calm down. If you decide to shift on us, you better be wearing the collar." you knew what the collar was for, it was to track your movements and shifts and if you went over the property line. He handed you a neon green collar that was reflective that Uncle Tony made to protect you.
"He also made it so it can turn into a necklace in your form right now." you nodded, "It'll also give us vital readings and stuff about your health if you get hurt." you nodded and hugged him. "Now pack a bag, we're going upstate."
      Your Dad made a bargain with you, you were grounded but he learned that you had powers, you needed to experiment with them. Your heart felt lighter as he hugged you.

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