Wandering Around

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                       —— Your POV ——
    You look around at the vast castle, Lady Frigga smiles, "What are your thoughts?" "Well, Mrs. Odin'swife it's really beautiful." "You can call me, Frigga, Y/N. I don't mind. But dear child, you need clothes!" "Sorry if I insult you, I'm from Earth, we dress weird." "That you most certainly do, come on, let's find you some clothes, child." you grin as she takes you to a beautiful room.
      "This will be your quarters and your father's as well." "Thank you." she nods, a couple of maids help you get into more Asgardian styled clothes. I slip on the dress, "You look stunning." "Thank you." "Would you like to see the gardens?" "Sure. But I'd like to see how my Dad is first." "Inseparable from your father?" "He hates it when I have to go to school. He found me in a Hydra base as a baby and my growth is all wacky but it's like..." she nods, "A bond that's tied so tight you feel the distance is obnoxious?" "I guess so, he feels mad at himself a lot because he couldn't be there with me for a lot of my firsts. He beats himself up about it, one time I saw him cry when I was small, he said it was allergies but my gut said different." "Your father feels the need to protect you and he loves you more than anything. He does feel bad inside but I can tell he's been trying to hide the pain. But every moment he's missed, he's tried to make it more precious when he spends time with you." "How'd you do that?" "When I shook your father's hand, I felt his emotions and random thoughts." "Cool but kinda creepy." she smiles, "Let's go see the healers." your Uncle Thor stood in the hall, "Uncle Thor!" "You look gorgeous, Y/N, I see my mother has dressed you well." you nod, "Yes, and how's Dad?" a healer steps out into the hall.
    She looks concerned, "You must be his daughter." you nod, "Your father has seen a great deal of things. The drug we saw, we can try to help him get rid of it but he will need a great amount of rest afterwords." "You can get rid of it?!" you jumped for joy
       "We can but there may be some impairments from here on out if we remove the issue." "What kind of impairments?" "May we sit?" "Ok." you sat down, "His legs, they'll be weakened to an extent, but he will need the braces. But on Earth you guys have, 'physical therapy' as you call it?" "Yeah." "Stretching and lifting should help him become stable, but the braces will need to stay, his joints aren't what I've seen in my many years." "What do you mean?" "He has severe pain in his legs, the illness has affected his joints and damaged them to an extent, if he were to walk without his braces, he may cry till he collapses." you nod, "Have you talked to him?" "Yes, he's decided to do what we've proposed. He wanted to make sure you would be aware of what's to happen." you nodded, "Please just help him." you said, "We will, but this will be an all nighter, I'm afraid, please go have a good time is what your father wishes us to tell you, we will take him to your quarters when we're done." "Ok, can I talk to him?" "Certainly."
      You walked in, he was covered with a sheet. "Hey ladybug." "Dad, why didn't tell us you were in pain?" "Honey, I love you, but I don't want to worry, you have your whole life ahead of you. Ladybug, Uncle Bruce can help me to a certain extent, they haven't been able to come up with a solution to rid my body of this disease. Honey, I'll be ok, and a lot better. Please go with Uncle Thor and have a good time, ok?" he kissed the top of your head, you sobbed into his chest, he rubbed your back and wiped away the tears with his thumb. He smiled and said to you, "I love you, ladybug, I've made my decision, even if it does cost me a sacrifice of work for more time with you." you kept sobbing until you heard, "We need to start, Y/N." you waved bye and kissed your Dad's cheek and left.
      You darted past everyone who crowded the door, you ran endlessly through the halls and through the streets. You finally found your self in a small room, you closed the door and sobbed really hard, till you fell asleep.
                    —— (Time Skip) ——
     You woke up, it was quiet outside, you opened the door. You overheard a guard say "We're looking for some woman who got lost. She's got dark brown hair, she looks like this." you made a run for it. You figured your way out of the city and made it to Heimdall.
      Heimdall saw you, "Y/N, what's wrong?" you told him, and you said "Can you send me back to Earth?" "I can but there will be no returns until Thor okays it." "Please just send me to earth!" "Ok."
       You were on top of Tony's tower. Your Uncle Clint saw you, "Hey kid? You ok?" "Uncle Clint, finally someone who's not half nuts!" he chuckled, "Where's your Dad?" "He's still on Asgard." "Wait you traveled all by yourself back here?" "Heimdall let me through." "You're so grounded, kid, Uncle Tony is soo gonna be mad." "Uncle Clint! You don't understand!!!" "Listen, you're with me, I understand everything. Let's climb through the vents and we'll go to your room and grab stuff then you'll change in your bathroom and we'll go to a restaurant and talk about what's going on." you nodded and climbed into the vent behind him.
     You both made it to your room, you changed clothes quickly and climbed back into the vent with your Uncle Clint. You felt better being home, but you saw your Uncle Thor. Who was explaining the dire situation and you had gotten lost but made your way back to Earth.

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