The Bedroom Talk (not gross!)

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                       —— Nat's POV ——
   I drag Clint to my room, "Nat, what's going on?" I tell him to sit, we sit on the bed, "Steve's sick." his face pales, "What do you mean he's sick." "He and I were going through a small Hydra base and he was hit, he found a baby who happened to be his daughter, but he didn't get sick until a couple of days ago. He passed out in Y/N's nursery, he's been getting worse. I had to help him eat lunch, he was SPOON FED, Clint, he was not happy. He sleeps a lot, but it's not good. Bruce says he's gonna get worse before he can get better." "Is that why I saw something resembling a stroller tray on the counter?" I nod, "Clint, his daughter loves him. Steve wants to be there for her but this isn't going to be a walk in the park." Clint nods, "Geesh, Nat, I leave and everything goes to heck." I shake my head.
—— Clint's POV ——
I look at Nat, this is not what I wanted to hear. I mean, that's cool that Cap has a mini-me running around, but him being sick like this, is probably gotta be a lot worse. New found daughter and all you can do for her is just sit with her and talk. They should be playing dolls or have tea parties. I'm thinking of doing one for her, she's gotta a lot of spunk like her Dad. "Hey Friday?" "Yes, Birdie?" I crack a grin at the name, "Can you get stuff up here for a tea-party but have it be hot cocoa instead?" "Sure thing. Are you doing a party for the little one?" "Yeah, how's Steve?" "Captain Rogers is currently and feebly battling Bruce for not allowing an Nasal Gastric feeding tube to provide assistant to his condition. He is also in dire need of movement which I high recommend since he doesn't need bed sores." I nod, "Thanks, Fri." "Your welcome." Nat says "At least we know he's up to something." I nod, "Seems like something he would do." I smile, "He's not gonna let one of us move his limbs since he's weak. Who is it?" "Tony made Steve a cyborg version of Peggy Carter and I'm pretty sure he's upgraded her program to care for Steve now too. I'm pretty sure the program might be called 'Sick Now Captain' or something like that." I shrug.
         We sit talking on the bed, until there's a knock on the door. I get up to answer, "Hi Tony." "Hey birdbrain, surprised you're back." "Nat filled me in on what's going." "So you know about our dear Captain then?" I nod, "Yeah, Clint, it's been rough. His daughter, the poor kid. She just met her Dad and now she has to go through this. It's tough. I'm worried if Thor comes." I nod, "Has Rhodey come?" "Yeah, he's flying in. Pepper is just now leaving HQ, so she'll be here in a few minutes. Peter's coming, so that about covers everything for dinner tonight. It's his lab weekend with me." I nod, "How's Steve?" "Bruce talked with Y/N while you were in the lab with Peggy. He also took Steve to MedBay, Tony. This is not fun, Bucky has stepped up to play dad for Steve." Tony nods.
                       —— (time skip) ——
       Steve's door is open a bit, I knock, "Come in." I enter, "Hey, Steve." "Hi Clint." "You not doing so well, I hear." "I'm trying to get better." I nod, "Whatcha you doing?" he asks, "Came to say hi, I met your daughter earlier." "Yeah, I think she's asleep." "You guys looking at the stars?" "Yeah." "Well, dinners almost ready." "I won't be joining, but Y/N will. Peggy's gonna help me with my mobility, so I don't develop sores." "Ok, Steve but please think about at least sitting at the table with us." "I'll think about it." "Ok." Peggy says "How was he?" "Tired." she nods, "I think it maybe best for him to at least be involved in some sort of action." I nod in agreement. "Why not lay him on the couch and we can sit near him?" "Sounds like a good plan. He might become upset but it'll do him good."

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