Boardgames and Ice Cream Sundaes

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                   —— Your POV ——
        Your Aunt Nat noticed your Dad had fallen asleep playing Monopoly at the table, you covered your Dad with a blanket and had Friday dim the lights. You and Aunt Nat, along with Uncle Bucky snuck into the kitchen to have Ice Cream, your Mom couldn't eat since she couldn't and you didn't know why still. But she was content making sure you were fed and happy along with your father so she made sundaes for all of you but left one in the freezer for your Dad. She ask you describe the taste of things, and you did happily.
     Your other uncle, Tony walked in, "Hey Uncle Tony. Can Mom have the ability to taste and eat?" "Actually I was gonna do that for her, so Peggy, come with me." Your Mom left with Uncle Tony. Your Uncle Bucky went to check on your Dad who was still out cold, "How was he feeling earlier, LP?" you looked at him, "I used to call your Dad, Punk when we were kids, your nickname is LP, little Punk because your his kid." "Ah, that explains it He's tired, not feeling the greatest." he nodded.
     Your Dad woke up feeling a bit better, his voice was raspy but he had an IV this time, since he'd become tired all the time. "Hey kiddo." "Hi Dad, you feeling better?" "Yeah, a bit. I'm hungry though." Nat overheard and started making some soup for him to eat. You had super hearing you realized, your Dad looked a little better than before the nap. You may have been only a few days old now but you had grown fast.
       Your Aunt Nat returned with a bowl of soup and put the tray on the chair, your Dad fumbled with the spoon, the drug had affected him pretty bad. You were worried, your Aunt Nat watched him, "Steve, why don't I help you." he shook his head, "Steven Grant Rogers if you don't accept my help, I will get Bruce or Pepper on my side!" he paled as your Aunt made the threat. He obliged for her to spoon feed since had become so weak.
You watched your Dad eat, Bruce checked him over to see if he was getting better. He looked disheartened, he took you into the other room, he sat you on the bed and pulled up a chair, "Y/N, I'm sorry, it's gonna get worse before it gets better. Which means he's probably going to be weak for a bit longer but we'll help him, ok?" you nodded, "I just wish he could be mobile like you guys." "Y/N, your Dad is so mobile if we raced him, he'd beat us. He loves you, Y/N, and he wants to play and be there with you. Teach you to swim, go to the playground to push you on the swing, enjoy your firsts like a normal dad. But his body is so weak from what Hydra injected him with, if he got up and walked, we most definitely have to assist him, and he's a stubborn old gus about needing help." you smile and nod at Uncle Bruce's expression.
Your Uncle Bruce explained more of your Dad's condition since you were mentally developing faster than your body. You walked out of the bedroom to see your Mom was having a bowl of ice cream, "Mom?" "Hi honey, you ok?" "Yeah, did Uncle Tony allow you to taste?" "Yes, so I can eat like you now." you nodded, your Dad's head was lolled to where you were standing.
"Hey Dad!" "Hi sweetie, want to play tic-tac-toe?" "Ok." you sat across from your Dad at the dining room table playing the game. You kept beating him, he beat you a few times, but his hands were all shaky. Uncle Bruce, knew your Dad was going down hill, so he said "Y/N, I need to borrow your Dad for a moment, ok?" you nodded, and your Dad was whisked away.
You heard the vent open, an out popped a man you never met. "Hey guys, I'm back! Who's the girl?" Nat said "Clint, this is Y/N, Steve's daughter. We found her at a Hydra base." "Oh. Hi I'm your Uncle Clint. Where's your Dad?" you pointed at the elevator. Nat said, "Clint, we need to talk." "What's wrong, Nat?" he said looking at you then Nat.

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