Eagles and Fish

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—— Your POV ——
You turned into a large wolf but you could live in the woods without fear. You howled at the full moon, you were content. Running full speed after your dinner, you had eaten 3 rabbits for dinner. You made a bed near the river, you fell asleep on it.
—— (Time Skip) ——
You woke up the next morning, you were hungry, you found food and decided to eat. You knew if you shifted back, you'd have no clothes to wear. You smelled much farther, your eyesight was much sharper as a wolf. You ran after a deer, you took it down and ate it. You took your meat back to your area.
You drank water, you decided to explore. You made your way around the woods, you came upon a group of people, you watched them. You laid your head down, they threw meat at you, you ate it. Then you ran off back into the woods.
You spent a whole day running, your stomach was full, and you ran to the mountains. You found a cave to hide in and claimed it as your own. When you heard a familiar voice and saw a familiar face, it was Uncle Clint.
"I know it's you, Y/N, you know who I am." you sniffed his hand. "I'm gonna build us a safe place to stay hidden." you nudged your nose into his hand. "See I knew it is you." you let out a whimper.
     "Kid, when they took your blood as a baby. They knew you had powers just not expecting you to turn into a large wolf." you laid your head in his lap, he gave you ear rubs.
                    —— (Time Skip) ——-
   You woke up the next morning, you went to the river and caught fish between your teeth. You laid down and dropped the fish on his stomach, "Gross!" Uncle Clint said, you howled, "Fish? For breakfast?" you nodded, you went back to the river for more fish.
                   —— Clint's POV ——
    I got up and cooked the fish for breakfast. I eat it, and she munches on her fish. We make our way to the mountains today. We hike and hide, helicopters fly above us. Must be looking for us, I think, I dash under the thick cover of trees.
      She sees me and motions for me to get on her back, I do, she runs through the trees with stupendous agility. We make our way to the mountainside, this is going to be rough. Nat will probably laugh or kill me when I come back to civilization. Whatever, I've got to help take care of Y/N now.  She sits me down, and we eat food. For now, it's tough, but I have to stay hidden.
                   —— Tony's POV ——
      I sit there, "Friday?" "Yes, Boss?" "Any idea where those two rascals are?" "They've removed the tracks and are totally untracked now." "This is just great." "No, it's not. I believe Thor is bringing the Captain home today." "This'll be one heck of a treat!" "Boss, Captain Rogers is requesting to see his daughter." "Tell the team to meet us, what's left anyway to gather in the dining room." "Certainly." I head up to the dining room.
      Nat sits down, Steve sits at the head of the table, "What's happened?" "Well, Steve, your daughter is out of town and only who knows where is Clint." "So she's disappeared?" "Yes, I do not know where though. She got rid of the tracker, Steve." "She's got powers! You took her blood as a baby!! What can she do?!" Steve screams, Bruce pales at the idea, "We can take a look." "Do it! Just find my daughter!" Bruce nods and rushes away to work on blood.
—— Steve's POV ——
Of all the things to hear, my daughter is missing and one of my teammates has disappeared alongside her as well. This is a bad day, really bad day. I look around me, "We're the Avengers! We can't find two people?! Seriously?!l" "Steve, we know you're upset and so are we. We've lost Y/N and we lost our beloved archer as well." I nod, this is the roughest day of my life.

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