Public Outing

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—— Steve's POV ——
I smiled, today would be my first outing of this Tower since being sick. It'll be nice to get some fresh air and go somewhere outside of the Tower.
Y/N walks into my room, "Dad, you ready?" I nod, with a feeling of excitement growing inside of me. I'm wearing a black & white gingham shirt, with jeans. I now have a hidden catheter bag because I haven't been able to go to the bathroom on my own, which sucks. The tube runs along my leg and down my pant leg to stuff in back of the chair. I don't have any IVs right now, which is nice but I have a wrap on my hand for it, which stinks.
        We go to the mall, Y/N takes me down to the toy section, we look at all kinds of stuff. Tony says "Steve, it's ok. Be proud she's yours." "I cam bub I cam be vee see gohn up." "I know you can't believe it, but she's so much like you, Steve, to a tee. Aren't you two supposed go to build-a-bear soon?" I nod, "Bucky is almost done, Peggy is making dinner with Vision." "Oh hey, am Buu ish hivin may ah nu tre sah." "So, Pepper had to do stuff at a meeting and Bruce is wondering if blending up what we're eating may be a good idea." he keeps talking, we eventually make our way to Build-a-Bear, we have fun.
                 —— (Time Skip) ——
    People start to notice, I feel uncomfortable at them taking pictures, one says "That's Captain America!" I hear one say. They try to approach but Happy steps in, "I'm sorry, no autographs or anything with the Avengers until they say so." people leave after him being a buzzkill. We eventually make it back out to the limo, Bucky helps me transfer into it and they buckle me in.
—— (Time Skip) ——
We get inside the elevator and I have to go to PT which is ok, I guess. Adam smiles "Hi Steve." Ee amam." "Today, I was thinking we should work on articulation." "Wa ha?" "It'll help you pronounce words correctly." "Oh hey." he nods, we go over to a table, he pulls out easy kid books. I shake my head, "Bib stu." "Steve, you have daughter." Y/N says, "Dad, just read to me and forget the therapist is here." "Oh hey." I read the whole story by the end, I see tears sliding down her cheeks, "Dad, you're sounding better." I nod, Adam has me do more upper body exercises.
                 —— (Time Skip) ——
     I must've fallen asleep in therapy again cause I'm laying on the couch, Y/N is playing on the floor. Her growth spurt has slowed to a stop for now. She's content, "Hey Y/N, cam yu hep me oop?" "I can pull you up but Mom said I'm not supposed to move you around much." "Joo nee pooped oop." "Ok." she pulls me up and props more pillows behind me, "Better?" "Ta oo." she smiles and goes back to playing. I move my head, nutrient sack, this sucks. Bruce walks in, "Hi Steve, I'm sorry but I need to take some blood." "Ok." "That sounds better." I nod, "How are you feeling?" "Tee re." "Tired?" "Tye urd." "You're getting better, Friday, run a scan for me when I'm in the lab." "Certainly, Doctor Banner." Bruce sits across from me, "Well, Steve, you keep fighting like this and in no time you'll be walking." I nod. "Hab dim hap enn yee?" "Dinner did happen, but we let you rest. Y/N said you fell asleep through today's session." I nod, he tells me about how I should be progressing.
       Peggy walks up to me, "Hi Steve, Bruce, you need to bathe, darling." I grit my teeth and grunt. She smiles at me trying to tell her no, "Steve, it's to make you sure you're clean and try not to get worse." I nod, and am whisked away for a bath.

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