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—— Steve's POV ——
I sat on the edge of my bed, they all had decided since I was sicker than a dog, I'm permanently stuck with an adjustable base bed without asking me! But I can't blame them, if I get sick, hey, I can adjust the bed so it's comfortable. In my room at the tower, they adjusted it so I'd been sleeping on a twin bed for my care and assisting me with tasks.
             (Found online, please don't judge)

         I look at, Tony says "You mad at us for ordering the same bed?" "No, I kinda wish I didn't have to see the railing

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         I look at, Tony says "You mad at us for ordering the same bed?" "No, I kinda wish I didn't have to see the railing." "Steve, let me tell you. The reason why the sides were up and why we had the railing, cause we didn't want you to roll over and fall out of bed. If you fell, you wouldn't have been able to catch yourself. Plus Y/N would try to crawl into bed with you when she was small but you had IVs, a catheter, and NG, lots of stuff helping you get better." I nod, "But can you take the railing off?"  "Steve, you had a setback, Bruce would go green if I dared to remove the railing on your request. You would have to ask him before you dared to remove that railing. It's for your protection and less worry for us especially at night. He had me install a device that measured your movement during sleep, that way if you got too close to the edge the railing will come up until one of us comes in and moves it down in the morning. He wanted that added because, Steve, you've been so sick, we need some peace of mind." I nod, yay, just to be imprisoned in this bed again.
        I know this has been rough on all of them, now my kiddo has powers that enable her to be a werewolf. So, she needs more food when she shifts to human and back to wolf. I knock on her door, she says "Dad, I know these last few weeks have been terrible. I'm sorry." "I know, sweetie, you were scared of what could happen. It's ok, it's apart of life." she nods and hugs me, "Your still grounded, understood?" "Yeah." I nod, "I'm pretty sure I could go for a jog." "Don't you have your braces or anything?" "No, I've gotten all the way better now. Just some weakness but my joints are healing." she nods.
        "Mind if I shift?" "Not at all." she goes into the bathroom and comes out as a wolf. She nudges at me, "Ready?" she lets out a howl. We go on the jogging path around the compound, it's beautiful out here. She waits for me, she's a big wolf. Like the Giant Idaho Wolves big. We go for a long time around on the track.
                    —— (Time Skip) ——
   It's lunchtime, Y/N and I go in, she nudges at me, I lay a couple steaks in front of her. She devours them quickly, "Still hungry?" she lets out a yip sound, so I give her more. She digs through her bin and pulls out a tug-of-war toy, "Hmm, you wanna do this now?" she lets out another yip.
      She and I head back outside, she wins and I lose after a few rounds. She starts to growl when something comes, she moves in front of me. Secretary Ross is here, "Hello Secretary, can I help you?" "Nice dog." "This isn't a dog, Secretary, this is my daughter, Y/N. She can shape shift into a wolf." "I'm here for business, where Mr. Stark?" "Currently in his lab." Y/N growls at Ross.
                    —— (Time Skip) ——
     I look at Y/N as she stands in front of me, "What?" "You think he's strange?" "I have every right too, he gives me the creeps. Something tells me he's part of Hydra." "Ok?" I nod, "Just something about him seems off." Uncle Bucky comes rushing out, "Guys, you might want to see this!" we rush into the building and flick the TV on.

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