First Day of School

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—— Your POV ——
Your Dad still had the braces but he was down to using one crutch, he was more stable but his joints didn't bend so well so he still needed the braces. You were sound asleep when you hear "Ladybug, it's time to get up for school and I'm sorry you have to go but it's a law." you rolled over, "Well, good morning to you too, Dad." "Uncle Tony made us all healthy smoothies for breakfast." "You mean he made food?" your Dad nodded, "Now get dressed because we gotta leave in a bit." you nodded and grabbed your clothes as your Dad shut the door behind him.
You thought he seemed kinda tense and then it came flooding back to you, last night Pepper was talking him into doing a press conference about his condition. He still used the chair every once in awhile, since he's gotten faster but he reserves when he needs it really bad or when he's having one of those days where he just needs more rest than other days. You pull on a pair of dark blue jeans and a Captain America Tee that had his shield on it. You threw on some sneakers along with a dark grey hoodie and walked out with your backpack.
You drank the smoothie, it was pretty good. You, your Dad, Uncle Bucky all had bigger glasses since you all had super serum in your veins. You looked the same age as Peter now and you were now 5'11" tall. You never had a haircut, so your hair was braided down your back, it went down to the middle of your thighs. You got up, your Dad had a set of car keys, your Mom got in the passenger seat of the car.
         You sat in the back, your Uncle Tony fixed the car up so much your Dad could drive with ease. Your Dad made small talk, but you could tell he was nervous. "Dad?" "Yeah, kiddo?" "We're here." "I have to go in and sign some stuff." you nod, Peter came up to you, "Hi Y/N!!" "Hi Peter, you must be Ned & MJ!" they nod, "You're Captain America's daughter who also has super soldier serum." you shrugged it off like it was nothing. You Dad made one of those throaty noises that got your attention, "Don't be afraid to stand up for yourself, honey. Also, use your strength when it is an absolute must. Make friends. I'll come pick you up at..." "Dad, can I take the subway?" "Ok, be careful. I know you're only six months old but still." your Dad just revealed your true age, "I'll be fine." "Honey, just promise me you'll take care of yourself." you nodded and hugged him. And rushed in the building to go to class.
                     —— Steve's POV ——
     And just like that, she's already down the hall out of my view. Kids stare and gawk at me, but I maneuver to the office, "Hi I'm Steve Rogers, I'm supposed to put lunch money in my daughter's account, her name is Y/N Rogers." the secretary nodded and told me a set of directions to the lunch room to put money in her account. I get there and there's a boy saying "Hey look it's P**** Parker!" I look up to see Peter, I open my mouth, because my daughter is right there beside Ned.
      "Hey!" I say, "What did you just call my nephew?" he's apart of the big family as well. The kid turns to me, "I'm Flash Thompson, who are you?" "I'm Captain America and if I hear that you called my nephew or daughter or hear it from their friends you talked dirty about them to their faces. Let's just I've got connections." the kid gulps and goes quiet. Y/N gives me a thumbs up, then texts me "Was that Protective Papa Bear mode?" my cheeks must've turned beat red cause she writes, "I knew it!! I'm so texting Mom!!" I feel my cheeks heat up and the bell rings.
                   —— Your POV ——
      You watch your Dad walk away from the cafeteria and head to the main door, you head to your class. MJ says "So new loser, welcome to our tiny group of nerds." you nod, "Wasn't your Dad really sick?" "He still is, but it's going away. He's been going through a lot of physical therapy." she nods, "It's been hard on you hasn't it?" "Yeah, when I was smaller it was really scary cause Dad couldn't hardly do anything for me or himself. But as I got taller it's not so scary." MJ nodded, "So you're actually six months old?" you nod, "Then how come you're not at home." "Because I was grown in a Hydra science lab and when they made me, they made a crazy version of the super soldier serum which affected my growth. So it affected my whole body which means they don't know how my growth spurts affect me well." they nod, "So that's why you got into this nerd school." you nod, "It's because my Uncle Tony taught me a lot along with everyone in my family." they nod. Peter looks at then says "So he claimed me as a nephew?" "Peter, we're one big family, remember Christmas?" "So that means Tony in a sense is like a dad to me, since we're all now very close knit?" you nodded, sometimes stuff would fly over Peter's head but he was like a cousin to you.

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