Bullies & Papa Bear

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—— Your POV ——
It was lunchtime at school, Flash decided it would be fight time. He punched Peter, you understood what Peter did. Flash turned to you, "Captain America's daughter, why are you standing up for little Parker?" you say "Leave him alone, Flash." Flash throws a punch, you block it, throughout your time in the training room working with your aunts and uncles, you could fight and pin them. You were the daughter of a captain, so you took it in with great stride, you were so much like Dad.
You used your strength and punched Flash, he flew across the room, everyone watched in horror. They now knew being the daughter of Captain America had some scary perks but those were only used during times of danger. The principal walked up and had your group of friends come to the office. You went into his office "Y/N, you punched another student." "He threw the first punch and he deserved it, he's been picking on us." "I'm calling your family, congratulations, you're suspended for three days." you walked back out to the waiting area.
Ned looked worried, "Well?" "3 day suspension. He's calling my 'family' which means, he'll probably get all of them coming down in full gear." they gulped and knew, you piss one off, you piss them all off. Your Dad walked in the office about 40 minutes later, full gear, with his crutches & braces. Everyone showed up, they were all your guardians considering your Dad had asked them to be, since you lived in the tower.
     You saw Pepper, Tony, your Dad, Thor, Clint, Nat, Sharon, Sam, Rhodey, Darcy, Jane, Dr. Selvig, and so on. They all stood there, in their gear. Principal Moritz says "Ok, I see I've gather Ms. Rogers' family. Welcome to Midtown, your daughter punched one of the other students and sent him flying across the room. I've decided to suspend her for three days." Dad growls out, "I would like to see your security footage from 10 minutes beforehand, and tell you the Flash kid messed with our nephew Peter Parker. He called p****." the principal sits there stunned, Flash's parents look at him, infuriated.
             Principal Moritz shrugs and says "Flash, I shall suspend your for 6 days, but miss Rogers, I expect better out of you. You're still suspended for three though. Meeting adjourned." I get up and Dad says "You did stand up, I'm proud of you for that." I nod, "But Dad, I'm suspended." "Your not in trouble with me, ladybug, I'm not mad. I'm infuriated at the other boy but I'm happy you taught him a lesson." you smile and nod, you all pile into the limo, your Dad side hugs you, Darcy says "Can I teach her how to use a taser now?" Jane chuckles, "Oh Darcy." "What I would've tasered him." you can't help but laugh, you all end up going out to a diner for ice cream.
        You get a chocolate shake and Jane says "I'm glad I work in a lab in the tower." your Dad speaks up, "I'm happy I have you all listed as her guardians." they nodded, you had a huge family. It was nice that they were understanding. Happy understood it had been one heck of a day for the avengers when they got a phone call during a meeting about you which he told you, he'd never seen them move so fast when they weren't on a mission and he showed you the video feed of all of them running to the car. You fell asleep on the way home.

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