Going to Lunch Undercover

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——- Clint's POV ——
I drive us to an old diner, "So what happened?" she tells me everything that happened on Asgard. "Wow, and now I understand why you returned. That must've felt like crap when he decided to do the operation." "Yes, I'm hungry." "I know, but you also have to apologize to your Dad, Thor, and great aunt Frigga." "I didn't think of her like that." "Well, Y/N you're a guest, you got to apologize for your actions." "But you never do!" "Its because I'm the teaser of the family, your Dad is mr. right, Tony is mr. coffepants, Nat is just Nat, dark and scary. Thor is a fragile soul. And Bucky, he's just someone who got mixed up in all this." she nods, "Bruce, he didn't ask nor want any of this lifestyle." she nods, eating more food.
My phone buzzes, I check it, "Hi Tony." "Hello, birdman, WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL US THAT Y/N WAS BACK HERE ON EARTH?!?!" "We're eating lunch, so shut up and don't call or talk to me until we're back at the tower!" "Geesh, birdy! You make some request! So fine, we want her whole story in vivid detail! Because she has to go back to Asgard!!" I hung up, "I heard all of it." I sighed, "They want you to go back to Asgard, and tell your story before you go." she nods, "I don't want to do anything with you people! I'm sick of it, I get kids at school treating me like crap then my Dad does something crazy. I just want to go somewhere else." "I can call someone." "Who?" "Maria, she can get you in touch with Nick and you could be on a flight to his location." "You're going to help me sneak out of New York!" "Yeah, I am. But you'll be flying to Alaska." "Please just help me out."
—— (Time Skip) ——
I send her onto a plane to Alaska. I hope she loves it there, I remove the tracker from my phone and decide to get on the next flight out. I sit there on the plane, it takes off. No more contact with this crazy world. It'll be nice to have peace, I land in the airport of Anchorage. I go for a haircut first thing and ditch my clothes and buy new ones. Now I fit in, I look normal. I eat dinner at coffee shop, Y/N says "Met Fury." "And?" "He's not so weird." "Hmm, well, you're stuck with your Uncle Clint, kid. We're on the lam from a half crazed family of maniacs who can't track us." she nods, it's nice up here in Alaska.
      She smiles, "It's so beautiful, I wanna canoe." "Well, I know where you can get one." "Once I do that, I'm going into hiding." I nod, "See you around, Uncle Clint." "See ya kiddo, and take care of yourself." she nods and leaves me to my coffee.
                    —— (Time Skip) ——
     "Hi Fury." "Hello, Agent Barton." "How are you?" "Good." "What you did is a noble thing." "I can see why she's going into the forest." "Peace and tranquility." he nods, "Freedom from everything." "Yeah, her Dad will probably wonder where she is." "No doubt but how is he?" "He got agitated the other day so he screamed at all of us and he went on a trip to Asgard with Thor and his kid came back." he nods.
                  ——- (Time Skip) ——
  I take a shower, I sit down in front of the TV. "Hey Clint?" "Yeah, you might wanna find Y/N." "Why?" "She's been labelled as missing and you have been too. You might want to go into hiding." I nod, I go for a run into the woods. I see a large wolf in front of me, we know she's got powers. Shape shifting is now the answer. She's probably the wolf and she'll stay that way too.

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