Living Compound

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                     —— Your POV ——
   You got up from the couch after watching what had been displayed on TV. Your Dad looked at you, "I thought I got Red Skull in his grave!!" Uncle Bucky knew this was going to bed bad.
The news anchor said "Red Skull, Hydra's leader from WW2 is back, Captain America defeated him but somehow he's looking for another fight." the finally turned the TV off. Your Aunt Wanda, walked in, "I heard what's going on." you nodded, you were in a flannel shirt with blue jeans and combat boots. You saw your Dad's face go pale, you knew he was the leader of a heavily militarized intelligence government branch.
Maria walked in, "Steve? I take it you've seen the news?" "Yes, any idea where he's at?" "Back at the old Hydra base you destroyed in World War II, it's crawling with hydra operatives. More guarded than what you fought before. They have energy shields and cloaking measures." your Dad looked at you, "You ok to fight?" you nodded and you shifted into a large wolf.
Maria looked at you, "Ok, Cap, give us a plan and we'll get ready to invade." he nodded, you stood by your Dad. Your tracker would also help in the battle field, to find where you were. He laid out a plan for attack and you all jumped or ran onto the quinjet. You laid on the floor, your Uncle Bruce kept throwing steak in your bowl on the plane. Your Dad said "She's gonna sleep when we land." Uncle Bruce shook his head, "This will help her keep from passing out." he nodded.
You all landed, you took down a lot of hydra operatives thanks to your armor that your Uncle had built for when you shifted. You beat a lot of people up, and eventually you met Red Skull.
"Ah, I see Captain America found you." you growled and bared your teeth, "But perhaps, you were supposed to turn Hydra to its former glory, dear Y/N, you were supposed help us take over the world." you lunged and bit him, you were stronger than him. So needlessly to say, you bit him like he was chew toy and you carried him to the cold snow.
Your Dad came up to you, "I see you found him." you nodded, shaking the Hydra leader between your jaws who let out a groan. "Hello Red Skull." your Dad said to the red man. "Captain, what a pleasure it is to visit." "Well, you screw with the Avengers you get your butt whooped and down goes Hydra!" you watched them fight and eventually Red Skull collapsed for the final time.
     Your Dad fell to his knees the fell forward. Everyone was screaming and rushing towards him, they carried him to the jet and laid him on a cot. You watched your Uncle Bruce help your Dad. You were still in wolf form, so your Uncle Thor gave you steak, which you ate. You gnawed on the bone as you watched them work.
                     —— (Time Skip) ——
      You woke up, your Dad's railing on his bed was up and he had IVs again. The head of the bed was adjusted so he sat up a bit, your Uncle Sam sat in a chair near the bed, you got up and sniffed your Dad's hand. He smelled weird and not his normal scent. So you headed to your room and shut the door.
       You shifted back into your human form and you put on some clothes. Your family was strewn about the couches snoring except for Uncle Tony who was absent from the couch.
       You walked down to the lab, he was working on a suit. You walked in, he saw you, "Hey kiddo." "How's Dad, he was snoring, like a log chopper." "Well, when he beat up Red Skull, the crazy man decided to give him a drug, which was lethal but we got it out of his system as quick as we did." "Oh no." "He's ok, he got worried when you weren't in his room. Bruce had to give him a sedative because he was getting pretty agitated and seriously combative. We added a XL dog bed for you when you're in your wolf form."
         (Found online, please don't judge)

     You nodded and sat on a stool, he had you help him with working on the suit

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     You nodded and sat on a stool, he had you help him with working on the suit. Then Jarvis said you needed to eat, you grabbed snacks and sat back down by Tony. He ate some of the food and you ate all of yours.
        Eventually it was nearing dinner time, and you had to drag him out of the lab to make dinner. He finally gave in an decided to have Enchiladas, which you never had because he usually ordered out and then no one was into Mexican food except Enchiladas once in a blue moon on the compound.
      The two of you worked on making enchiladas when your Uncle Bucky was assisting your Dad to a spot at the island. "You finally woke up. How do you feel?" "Tired but hungry." he wasn't slurring his words or anything, he looked like he could nap some more then feel better.
     You sat the Enchiladas on the counter once they were finished cooking, your Mom was out of commission from assisting in that last fight. But you didn't know how, all you knew she had shut down and no one could turn the power on for her to work but her hard drive was safe and secured.
      You ate, your Dad sat at the head of the table, and Uncle Tony sat at the other end. The table was packed with laughter, jokes, funny stories, and a peace you never wanted to lose because this was your first birthday and anniversary from being found on that the terrible Hydra base.

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