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—— Your POV ——
You put your bag on your bed, you put your clothes in your dresser. Your Dad walked in, He smiled, "Unpacking?" you nodded, your Uncle Tony had asked for design tips since he had rooms for all that he needed.
          (Found online, please don't judge)

     Your room here was slightly different to accommodate your wolf side, but it was mostly the same

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     Your room here was slightly different to accommodate your wolf side, but it was mostly the same. You had a nice sliding door for those times where needed the freedom to run. You finally had finished unpacking when you turned around and found your Dad had fallen asleep. Of course, he was in his nineties but he looked 20, he just had to act his age sometimes.
   You went into your bathroom, you got out of your clothes and left the necklace/collar on your neck. You let your body change and shift into a wolf but your fur had decided to change colors.
            (Found online, please don't judge)

        You nudged the door open with your snout, you felt happy in your wolf body

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        You nudged the door open with your snout, you felt happy in your wolf body. You walked into the hall, where your Aunt Pepper stood, "Wolf!!! Wolf!!!" she screamed, Jarvis took over "Miss Potts, the wolf is harmless. It's Y/N, she discovered her powers, and by the form she's in, she needs to be let outside." Pepper said "Ok, thank you Jarvis. Why's there a collar on her neck?" "Miss Rogers is grounded and that is to know if she's gone past the property line in the wolf form. It also monitors vitals and health stats." she nodded and bent over and apologized.
     You followed her around the compound, she then opened a door and you ran outside. People thought it was weird at first but they got used to you. You wandered onto the main lawn and was greet by Uncle Rhodey. "Hey kid, your Dad told me you shape shifted into a wolf." you howled and he petted your head.
    You walked around the grounds, you were content to be a wolf in public because it meant those who didn't know, stayed clear of you. Those who did know, they thought you acted like a large dog and they petted your head. They even played fetch. If you wanted to just hang out in wolf form all day, Uncle Tony made sure you had a dispersement of dog toys and meat but they'd usually get on you about shifting at meal time. 
     It was dinner time and you had a large chew toy, your Dad stood in front of you, "Hey, Y/N, come on, it's dinner. Go put some clothes on and be a human." you got and dropped the toy on his feet. He shook his head, "Parenting troubles?" you heard Uncle Tony say, "No, I think she likes to be in her wolf form more often then human." "Maybe she likes just doing dog things, she does have a right to it, Steve. She's a werewolf." "At least the moon doesn't have control over her shifts, thankfully." you shut your door.
       You changed into shorts and a v-neck tee, your Dad was keen on letting you were pants from the start of you being in his care but the others helped you win that argument. You closed your door behind you and walked out, "Y/N, it's a lasagna night!" you couldn't help but rush to the kitchen. All of your family was gathered.
You made a plate, your Uncle Tony said "Y/N, we're still disappointed in you but we're happy you're home safe." you nodded and ate the food on your plate fast. You got up for seconds when your Dad tapped your shoulder, "You're gonna make yourself sick." "I'm starving!" you told him, "Ok, but I warned you." you ended eating 3 plates of food.
You ate dessert then you felt your stomach roll, you jumped out of your chair and before you could make it to the bathroom. You threw up all of your food on the floor in the hallway. You felt woozy, wobbly, and tired, you heard shouting and you fell into the darkness.
—— (Time Skip) ——
You woke up, your Dad was sitting by your bed with a book. "Hey ladybug, how are you feeling?" "Terrible." "You've been out for 2 days." "Oh." "Bruce is wondering when you shift how much energy it takes and that what caused you to pass out like this." you had an IV pole which like your Dad, had multiple bags of stuff.
Uncle Bruce walked in, "Hey kiddo, you gave us quite the scare." "That's what Dad said." he nodded, "Try not to shift so often because we're wondering if you were tired when you shifted back to your human form which caused hunger than you ate a lot of dinner then you threw up & collapsed. So take it easy." you nodded. "But that IV pole is staying with you until the bags are empty, understood?" you nodded then you were allowed to go to your room.
Your Mom smiled that you were back, "Hey sweetie." "Hi Mom." "Movie day?" "Yeah, if Dad doesn't go half nuts." "Sweetie, he's already past the points. It's called being a Dad." "Did someone need me?" he poked his head in, "I'm fine." "No, you're not. You've been out cold for 48 hours because of your shifting! I've been worried out of my mind that I thought I was going to lose you again!!" you nodded, you saw tears make their way down his cheeks.
You noticed that you hurt his feelings really bad, you felt your fur poof out of your back but had to remain steady in human form or you would cause problems. Your Dad left the room, your Mom set down on the bed. "Sweetie, these last few weeks, they've been hard on everyone. Your father would wake up at night, he's cried, Y/N. He stayed up for 100 hours on end and he collapsed as soon he moved. He's been using sedatives to take the edge off and sleep at night. It's been rough, Y/N, it's been really rough." you realized that what you did had been really bad.


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