Calming down

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                     —— Steve's POV ——
     Bruce propped me up on a bunch of pillows in the Calm Down room. He's given me things to throw like stress balls. He sits down, "Steve, can you look at me?" "I mam ooking ah yuu!" I shout, "Please, Steve, I know this hasn't been easy for you. Let's take a minute to breathe." he tries breathing exercises on me, "Ooh yuu fel if yo boby cood nit moo wote? O ee yuu cood nit tok nomen? Hod yuu fel ee yuu hod ee dott ahn yuu cood nit pah wee it er? HOD YUU FEL EE YUU COOD NIT DOE AHN NIT TING FO YUU SA O YU DOTT AHN O ED EN TAHK CA OD ER?" I scream, "Steve, we're trying to help you get better. And yes, this has been rough on all of us, believe me. We hate watching what Hydra's done to you. We want you to have the most normalcy back in your life."
   "Finny yuu und stan!" I finally smile, he understood me, "Steve, you're sweating." "I im angh ree!" "I know, trying throwing the stress balls I brought you." "Oh hey." I focus a lot of my energy trying to grab onto one of the stress balls, I get one, I fling it. It doesn't go very far, "There you go, Steve, is that helping?" "Abb itt." "You still have a whole basket to throw." "Oh hey." I start throwing them the best I can until I start sobbing.
                     —— (Time Skip) ——
       I wake up in my bed, feeding tube back in spot, this time it sucks. They taped it on me, so no yanking this time. I see the clock, 7:40 AM. Peggy gets up from her spot, "Good morning, Steve, you feeling better?" I nod, "Ok, well, you'll be getting a nutrient bag and then off to PT after I clean you up." I nod. She gives me a shower, and I feel better.
        We make our way to the PT room, Adam says "How are you doing today, Steve?" "Jub gob oh o bee." "Just got out of bed?" I nod, "Well, we're gonna try more exercises, and articulation as well." I nod, we do the exercises first the articulate next. "You're sounding better, Steve, but you still have a long road ahead of you." "I knob." "I know." "I...know." Adam turns to Peggy and says, "Now it's time to correct him if he's still off." "Ok."
                    —— (Time Skip) ——
    Pepper sits down across from me, "Peep op?" "Hi Steve, since your picture has been floating around social media. The PR team think it's best to release a statement. I want to know your thoughts." "Jub." "Just." "'s....a....fambee." "Family." "Family....theeing." "Thing." "Thing." "Ok."

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