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Calum shutters slightly under the touch of Skye's delicate hands. Shadows of the patterns she is painting over his torso burning into his skin.

"I was teaching you a lesson, baby." He groans as her lips trail across his jaw.

"And now I'm teaching you one." She shrugs slightly pulling the skin over his tendon with her teeth. The shutter that runs down his spine as she sucks on his neck is thrilling, so much so that it is nearly impossible to break her hold.

"What?" She frowns as she is pushed back, "You love when I give you hickies. Especially right there."

"But people will see it right there, and they are going to assume you did it if they do." He frowns, combing her hair back softly. "I wish I could let you, trust me I do."

"Oh... ya." She sighs, sitting up slightly, "I forgot about that."

"It's okay, Skye, don't feel bad, I just have to keep you my dirty little secret for a while longer." He sits up too, tickling his fingers up her arms softly.

"I'll just have to find a new place to mark my man I guess." She smiles small.

"Oh ya?"

"Definitely." She giggles, sliding herself onto his lap, straddling her legs across his. Running her fingers back through his messy curls, tugging slightly at them as she reconnects their lips.

"I've missed you so much." Calum groans as Skye starts rolling her hips against his.

"Not my fault you haven't been over this week." She giggles, pulling his lower lip with her teeth until he groans again, tightening his large hands over her hips.

"You think anyone would notice if I brought you to Europe with us for the next month? Just slipped you in my suitcase as a stowaway."

"Wait, what?" She suddenly stops her movements, sitting up fully.

"What?" He frowns, trying to understand the sudden almost hurt look in her eyes.

"You're going to Europe for a month? When did you plan to inform me of this work trip?" She sighs.

"I— I thought you knew about it."

"Why would I have known if you never told me?" She shakes her head, sliding off his lap to the couch beside him.

"I guess I just assumed that when you said you had kept up with the band it meant you knew things like this." He sighs, "I'm sorry, Skye."

"I meant I knew when your album came out, and that everyone got married, and Luke and Si had a baby. I didn't mean I was stalking everyday activities." She sighs.

"It's work, Skye, why are you being like this? You know being with me includes trips and time away."

"I barely got you back, Cal, and now I have to give you back to the world for a month? And I can't just call you whenever, I have to wait for you to call me, for you to have time when everyone else isn't around to overhear. It just sucks. And to have no warning of you guys taking off for the other side of the world makes it worse." She sighs.

"It's going to be okay, Skye. I will make sure I get to talk to you regularly, I promise."

"The same way you promised you would see me regularly and then couldn't come over for a full week basically." She sighs.

"Hey," he turns her chin softly so she has to look at him, "Why are you being hostile about this, Skye? I'm going on a promo tour for a month. It's not the end of the world. You can trust me to call you and text you and want to stay close to you. It's one month, and I swear to you, the day we get home I will be back here to see you. I don't care what I have to do to make that happen, I will. Don't worry about me forgetting you, Skye Daniels, I could never. I waited years for you to come back. One month on another continent isn't going to change my mind."

"I'm just scared of anything taking you away from me, Calum. I know I'm all in for this, but I also know how much I hurt you and everyone else, and I'm scared something will make you change your mind. I'm still not confident in believing you want to do this behind Nika's back. And if Ashton or Sierra or anyone catches wind of it, I'm terrified they will be able to talk you out of it. So you being on the other side of the world from me, with them... It makes me nervous."

"I'm all in for you too, Skye, I promise. If they catch on to me, then that is their problem. They will have to deal with it and I will not be backing down."

"Cal, if you really weren't afraid of them and their opinions we wouldn't be secret at home either. Our little being together thing, it's not going to be made better just because they find out while you are on the other side of the world. But it might mean they can convince you to ditch me. Just, please, promise me you'll be careful. I'd rather have them find out after you get home. When I'm twenty minutes away by car, not twenty hours away by plane. I want the chance to fight for us when they inevitably convince you to doubt my commitment again."

"You are far too worried about me leaving you, Skye, I promise I am not going to let you go again. I lost you once and I refuse to do it again. You are my world, baby, and I plan to keep my world in my life this time, no matter what." He pulls her face gently forward, kissing her lips long and slow. "I will not give up on us, Skye. You are my everything."

"I know I hurt you, Calum. I don't understand how I still got you back so easily. It scares me that something is going to come in and ruin it. In my mind you shouldn't want to be with me, at all. Sorry I seem so insecure about us, it really just doesn't make sense that it's working out so well."

"Believe it, baby. I am all in for you, Skye Daniels. All in, for five years it's been you, and it is always going to be you."

"You promise you will call often? And at least send me a text everyday."

"I promise. Cheesy good morning text, I miss you and I'm thinking about you texts, good night texts, and some very naughty texts too." He smirks, pulling her hips closer to him again.

"Oh ya? I think I'd like all of those a whole lot." She giggles.

"It's one month, Skye, it is going to be just fine. I promise."

"When do you leave?"

"Day after tomorrow. I already have my evening cleared for you tomorrow."

"I still hate that you have to go without me, and that you have to go so soon." She sighs.

"Me too, but it's my job. And hopefully by the time tour comes around you can come join me for parts of it. Hopefully by then you are publicly and openly accepted as mine."

"Hopefully." She nods, leaning herself over until she is cuddled into his side.

"I'm going to make it okay, I'm going to keep you and my friends and family, and I am going to make everyone okay with this. I deserve it all, and everyone needs to accept that."

"I hope you're not joshing yourself, Cal. I hope you really can make it all happen."

"I will."

So what happens in Europe???

Sorry for the smut tease. There will be more smut don't worry.

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I love you guys!!!

~M =)

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