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Calum the CRIMINAL

News broke this morning that Calum Hood, Bassist in the popular pop/rock band 5 Seconds of Summer, has charges being brought against him

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News broke this morning that Calum Hood, Bassist in the popular pop/rock band 5 Seconds of Summer, has charges being brought against him. The statement claims Hood, on Friday evening, was involved in a physical altercation with one Joseph Daniels outside a private event.

Hood is being charged with aggravated assault and battering. The charges have been filed with a court in Salt Lake City, Utah and any further court proceedings will happen within the states judicial system.

If Hood is found guilty as charged he could face up to five years in prison, the loss of his work visa in the United States, and a fine up to $5,000.
There has been no comments from Hood or his legal team on the charges.


"Feel like the hero still?" Nate glares at Calum across the table, the emergency meeting having been called after the charges were brought to the attention of Calum, his legal team, and the world.

"He punched me first, and at least twice before I did anything to him physically. I am not going to apologize for defending Skye and her brothers and not letting that asshole push me around." Calum snaps, his voice still a little slurred do to the fact that his lip is still fat from where it was cut badly in the fight.

"It doesn't matter, you could lose your work visa over this, Calum! You could be deported back to Sydney. Nika would not be forced to go with you either. Her citizenship is here in the US. It would change, if not end, the band if you got deported, you would have to reapply for a work visa here, you wouldn't get to tour until they probationary period of the revoked visa was up. Do you understand what I'm saying, Calum? The US could kick you out and end any and all work you would do here. No more living in LA, no more US tours, no more interviews, promo, none of it. The life you guys have built in LA for ten years could be gone over this!"

"I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING WRONG!" Calum pushes back, "He was verbally attacking my girlfriend and her family. I asked him to leave, he punched me, so I dragged him out of the party and then he punched me again so I defended myself!"

"You better hope the judge sees it your way, Calum. Because your face is saying you got into a fight, and people are going to be talking about it."

"I have witnesses, there were dozens of people there, Skye and Bryce were right there, they were part of the whole thing. There were two guys videoing the wedding events, there's a chance there is footage. Not to mention all the phones there. It won't be hard to find someone with the altercation at least in the background of their pictures from the night. He wants my money, that's why he is doing this, he wants me to pay him off so he will drop the charges. But he has no case to stand on. He fucking punched me in the face and I defended myself. End of story."

"No, not end of story, because it doesn't matter what actually happened if the judge and or jury decide you're some rich celebrity with entitlement and anger issues and decide to charge you, even if it's only on suspicions."

"He can't afford a legal battle, he is hoping you'll get angry enough at me to pay him off. Don't. Trust me on this, Nate, it's not going to go anywhere."

"We can't take that risk, Calum. The band is collateral damage if this ends wrong. Do you not get that?"

"I get that. What I'm saying is it will not go that far. He knows he has no case and so do I. Don't feed into his game." Calum hisses back.

"We don't have time to see if you are right, Calum. We have to take action now, to protect you, to protect the band, to protect your family!"

"I know what I'm talking about with this, Nate. I know what this guy is and what he is trying to do. Do not let the legal team pay him off."

"What else am I supposed to do to save your whole career then, Calum?"

"Dig around in his info a while. He's in some sort of financial trouble, maybe it's also illegal. Push back to get the charge dropped instead of paying him off to keep him away."

"You are not a lawyer for a reason, Calum, I will suggest it to the team but we will do whatever we have to to fix your mistake and get the charges dropped. You are on thin ice with us. First you defy us about Skye and now you get in a fight with her dad and are charged with a third degree felony? Get it together before you lose it all."


"Knock, knock." Skye calls, stepping through the front door into Calum's home, frowning as she sees her boyfriend laid across the couch clearly upset.

"Hey, bubs, what's wrong?" She frowns, toeing off her shoes before lifting his head and sitting under him.

"Your asshole of a dad is trying to charge me with assault. Nate's pissed. This week is supposed to be fun and amazing and focused on the album, but now I'm being screamed at by all of management instead. They want to pay him off, to make him drop the charges and I told them I wouldn't do that."

"Fucking asshole. You were defending yourself, he punched you three times before you punched back. He assaulted you a lot more than you did him. He just wants them to pay him off so he can leave quietly with that money."

"That's what I told Nate but he refused to believe me." Calum sighs.

"Well he should. You did nothing wrong in that confrontation and I will fight tooth and nail to make sure everyone knows that. My dad doesn't get a dime, he never paid a penny of what he owed mom in child support, there is no way he is getting any money from me or you when he owes me a fuck ton of money himself." She carefully runs her fingers through his hair, massaging at his scalp.

"He finally said he would have the legal team look into it a little bit, see what they might be able to dig up about your dad. I hope they can figure out what trouble he is in financially, and I hope it is illegal."

"I'm not going to let him take you away from me, Cal. The news articles all talk about how you could lose your visa over this, but you did nothing wrong, you aren't going to lose it. I refuse to let him win when he was very clearly the one seeking us out and the one to attack."

"I'm not as worried about that as everyone else seems to be. It's click bait, it's a way to make it more dramatic. I know I did nothing wrong. I just hate that management is even more angry with me. It feels like nothing I do anymore can make them happy, like as far as the band goes I'm just a massive fuck up this year."

"Well you're not. The fans still love you, and you are still a very important part of the band. The boys still love you. You are going to be just fine, Calum, and I will be right here to support you, hold you, love you through everything."

"Thank you."

"How about I make us some dinner and we have a quiet night in. Where is Nika?"

"Ashton's, she should be home in half an hour or so. Dinner sounds really nice. Thanks, Skye."

"Anything for you, Hood." She smiles, leaning down to peck his lips before sliding from below him."


What happens now that Calum is being accused of a felony?

How do they figure this one out?

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I love you guys!!!

~M =)

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