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"Ya, have a safe flight." Calum wanders into the studio space with his phone pressed to his ear.

"No, I'll be there on Friday. Listen and be good, okay?"

"I love you too. Remember to help if they ask okay, baby girl?"

"Alright, have fun. I'll see you in a few days. Bye." He chuckles, hanging up the phone.

"You know. It's a bit weird when I can't decide if you're talking to your daughter or your girlfriend..." Ashton smirks at Calum as he drops into a chair.

"I was talking to Nika, who is at the airport with Skye headed to Utah for the wedding. I have to be here for a few more days so I will by flying out later for it." Calum rolls his eyes.

"I cannot believe you are taking a weekend trip the weekend before we drop an album." Luke chuckles in disbelief.

"I have to." Calum shrugs.

"Why do you have to go to her brothers wedding?" Michael chuckles.

"Because if her good for nothing ex-father shows up again I need to be there to beat the shit out of him for coming for her thinking he can get to my money."

"Wait her dad has been around again?" Ashton's eyes suddenly look panicked.

"He showed up at her brothers house when she was home a week or so ago. He seems to thinks she owes him money when he's the one who walked out on all of them as kids and left them for dead. And he knows I have money, so he wants to get to me, through her, for it. I mean I think it's kind of my fault, if I hadn't confirmed things maybe he would have stayed away, but I'm also not mad I don't have to hide my relationship anymore."

"Ya, but management is still mad about that, and trying to clean up the mess to an extent so maybe don't start a fight with her dad to add to the mess." Michael points out.

"I'll do whatever I deem necessary to keep the people I love safe, and the fans will just have to accept that I'm tired of playing the perfect person image, and I refuse to do so at the expense of the people I love. The wedding is in a really small town in the middle of a desert. I don't think it will be to big a deal if I have a few words with him there if he shows up. He might not even show up."

"Just don't be stupid, Cal." Ashton sighs.

"I won't. I promise I'll think before doing anything."

"Good." Ashton nods, "So Nika actually went with Skye today? To Utah?"

"Yeah. She wanted to go early, she asked Skye herself if she could go." Calum smiles.

"So much for Nika being terrified of Skye then." Luke smirks.

"She did what I asked and gave Skye a chance, and they have got close again. They have found a way to fix their relationship. Something none of the rest of you or your wives have chosen to do yet."

"Ya, well Nika lives with you, she kind of had to get used to the idea fast." Luke scoffs.

"I'm not the one who told her to go seek Skye out, I'm not the one who drove her to Skye's daycare to talk. I was shocked when Nika came home from what was supposedly a dinner date with KayKay telling me she and Skye talked and we all needed to figure our shit out together." Calum rolls his eyes.

"KayKay helped her?" Ashton looks surprised.

"Only because the eight year old can't drive or call for an Uber yet." Calum chuckles, "But I think all the girls knew she was going to try to talk to Skye, KayKay just offered to be her driver for the evening."

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