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"So, you excited to head back home tomorrow, Nika?" Sierra asks as the girls sit around a table outside a cafe.

"I can't wait to see my friends again, and Duke. I miss Duke." Nika nods.

"I think we all miss the dogs." Crystal laughs, "I know I miss my dogs."

"I am nervous though. Dad asked me to try and trust him about Skye, and I think that is going to be a big deal when we get home." Nika sighs, focusing heavily on her gelato.

"You don't have to trust her until you are ready to, Nika. I know you want to make your dad happy, but you can take your time too." KayKay reassures her.

"He's so sad now though."

"What do you mean?" Sierra frowns, a small spoonful of the sweet treat stopped inches from Matthews face.

"Skye hasn't been answering his calls or texts. He said she's mad because he was so focused on trying to make me happy that he forgot to call her. I feel like it's my fault he's sad, and I don't like him being sad."

"AH!" they all turn suddenly as Matthew reaches out, his hand clasping around the spoon Sierra had forgot about, gelato squeezing between his fingers before he shoves his fist in his mouth.

"Shit." Sierra laughs, reaching for the package of wipes in her bag to clean up his little mess.

"So, you sound like you might have an idea or plan, Nika." KayKay turns back to her.

"I think maybe, if I talk to Skye, she might forgive dad for forgetting to talk to her as much as he should have. I just want him to be happy, and he stopped being so happy when I started getting mad about Skye..."

"Nika Joy, you are a very empathetic and mature little lady." Crystal smiles, "But you don't have to do anything you don't feel comfortable with you know that right?"

"I know. I want to do this." Nika smiles, "I want my dad to be happy, and I trust him so I need to show him I'm trying."

"That is very grown up of you, Nika. You're dad will be proud. I'm proud, because I'm not sure even as an adult that I'm ready to try to be nice and friendly with her yet." Sierra smiles.

"Are any of you ready to be nice enough to help me?"

"What do you need help with, Nika?"

"I want to go talk to her when we get home. But I don't want dad to know I'm talking to her. So I need someone to help me."

"If you really want to do this, Nika, I will help you. I am still nervous about your dad and Skye, but if you really want to do this for your dad I won't stop you." KayKay smiles.

"Thanks, Aunt Kay. I really do want to do this for dad."

"Then we can figure it out."


"Just a moment and I will be with you." Skye calls as she hears the bell over the door. When no response comes she quickly finishes organizing the box under the counter and stands up, surprised by the young girl standing in front of her.


"Ya." She can tell Nika is nervous, shifting on her heels as her eyes dart around.

"Can I help you with something?"

"Can I, can I talk to you for a minute, please?"

"Of course, why don't you come back to my office." Skye nods, beckoning Nika to follow her.

"Thanks." Nika almost smiles, following after Skye slowly.

"How did you get here, Nika?"

"KayKay is outside. I asked her not to come in with me."

"Is there something I can help you with?" Skye nods, sitting in her chair while Nika sits on the edge of Dana's.

"Stop being mad at dad please?" Nika barely whispers. "It's my fault he stopped calling you. And he's been sad since you stopped talking to him."

"It wasn't your fault, Nika. He is an adult, he chose to not call me." Skye smiles softly.

"But it was me he was worrying about that made him stop. And I don't want him to be sad anymore. And he is sad because you aren't talking to him. So please talk to him again."

"It was very brave of you to come here to talk to me, Nika, especially if your dad doesn't know you were coming. And I appreciate that you are trying to do this for him. But this isn't your fault."

"He misses you a lot, Skye. And I'm still scared, but I came anyway because my dad is sad."

"Why are you scared, Nika?"

"You left me without a goodbye once... why wouldn't you do that again?" Nika shrugs, her eyes on the floor.

"Hey," Skye's heart breaks slightly as she kneels on the floor in front of Nika. "I didn't think it was a goodbye when I left, Nika. I thought I would get to come home to you and your dad soon. It was a lot of things that made me stay away. I am so sorry I never told you goodbye, I've been upset with myself for years over that. But I promise you, Nika, I'm not going anywhere this time. My mom was very, very sick, and I had to go take care of her and my brothers. I didn't know it would take years, and that it would make me hurt my favorite people."

"It hurt me a lot."

"I know. And I am so, so sorry about that, Nika Joy. I never wanted to hurt you. And I thought about you everyday. I wanted to hug you again and curl up on the couch to watch Moana one more time. I am so sorry I hurt you and your dad back then. But I want to show you that I won't be doing that again. I'm here to stay this time."

"How can I know that?"

"Well, I left because my mom was sick and needed my help, but my mom died last year, she isn't sick anymore and I don't need to take care of her anymore. And both of my brothers are adults now, one is getting married soon, and the other is at college. They don't need me to take care of them either."

"Your mom died?" Nika's eyes suddenly go soft, locking with Skye's for the first time.

"Ya, and you know what? The day she died, all I wanted was a big old Nika love." Without hesitation Nika suddenly jumps forward, her arms wrapping around Skye's neck.

"Oh." Skye laughs, hugging Nika back tightly.

"I'm sorry your mom died, Skye."

"Me too, Nika. I miss her everyday. But she was sick, and hurt, and at least she isn't those things anymore."


"I'm sorry I hurt you, Nika. I didn't mean to do that. And I wish I had been able to not."

"Will you talk to dad please, Skye? He misses you a lot."

"I think maybe you're right. Maybe I have been a little bit mean to him."

"Can I ride with you back to our house? KayKay is waiting, but if you're going there anyway."

"I think that is a great idea, Nika Joy. I think you and me and your dad need to all talk together."

"I think that would be good too."

"So, should we go? I was about to lock up here when you showed up."

"Ya, lets go." Nika nods, taking the hand Skye offers her.

What happens when Skye and Nika show up at the house?

How will Calum react?

How does their little chat go?

Go read SavSOS_ stories! It's her birthday! I love her! And they are amazing!!!

Vote and comment!

I love you guys!!!

~M =)

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