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"Dad!" Skye hears Nika call out excitedly from the front room, smiling herself at the fact that Calum is finally home.

"Hi, Punk Princess. Is Skye home?" Calum's deep voice reaches her as she wanders down the hall.

"You think I wouldn't be here to greet you after you're trip got extended three extra days?" She smirks, leaning against the wall.

"Sorry, I didn't want it to take that long either." He chuckles, moving to pull her into his arms, placing a kiss on her forehead.

"We missed having you home, that's all." She sighs, relaxing against his chest.

"I missed both of you too." Calum chuckles, "How about I get a quick shower and I'll make my girls some dinner?"

"I'll get your laundry going." Skye nods, taking his bag from him.

"I love you. No one has ever offered to do my stinky travel laundry." He grins, pecking her lips softly before moving past her towards the master bedroom.

"You're brave, Skye. Dad's bag always smells so bad when we get home from trips." Nika laughs.

"I'll brave it." Skye laughs, heading down the hall after Calum.

Tossing the bag onto the bed Skye unzips it, scrunching her nose as she pulls his old Vans out first, knowing the smell is probably coming from them. Sorting Calum's clothes into color piles for washing. The sound of Calum singing floating from en-suite over the shower water making her smile.

Pulling chargers and hand held video games from the second pocket Skye is surprised when a large envelope comes with everything. Setting the electronics aside she examines the extra item, frowning as she sees her own last name on it. Sitting down she carefully opens it, curiosity getting the best of her as she pulls the papers from within out.

The first thing she notices is her dads name, and then her moms, and then her own, and her brothers. Frowning as she realizes it's a whole lot of information on her family life growing up. Flipping through the pages quickly she sees the content changing to reflect more on her dad than her or her brothers. Swallowing the acidic taste that rises into her throat as she realizes it's information is about her dad, after he left them.

"Survive my bag— shit." Calum freezes in the doorway to the bathroom, a white towel around his waist as he looks between Skye and the papers in her hand.

"What the fuck is this?" She turns to him, her expression unreadable.

"He was pressing charges, we had to get him off my back, Skye. You know that." His throat tightens uncomfortably as he swallows.

"I thought it was a band trip? For writing. You went to fight with my dad and you didn't think I should know?" She spits, tossing the papers onto the bed as she stands.

"I didn't want you to worry. I was going to talk to you about it. I swear I was. I wasn't trying to keep secrets."

"Why didn't you tell me before you left? Why lie to me? I know that asshole is accusing you of shit that he started, but you don't have to lie to me about it all." He can read the anger and hurt in her voice now.

"I didn't want you worrying and some of the shit he did after he left you guys... I didn't want it to hurt you further. You didn't need that, baby. I was trying to protect you."

"I know my dad is an asshole, Cal! Fuck, I've known it since I was thirteen years old. What he did or didn't do after he left isn't going to affect me. What you did in lying to me and keeping shit about my family from me, that's what hurts."

"I was doing what I felt was best to protect you, Skye!" His voice raises slightly, though not to the same level hers had.

"I don't need protected, Calum! I need an honest and well communicated relationship. My dad was a liar, and sneaky, and all that shit. Don't." She winces almost as she sighs, "Don't become that shit too. Even if it's with good intentions."

"Skye..." Calum's heart sinks at her words.

"I'm going to go for a drive. I'll be back sometime later. I need to think." She deflates too, looking hurt and confused. Grabbing her keys off the nightstand, and taking the papers with her, Skye disappears out the bedroom door.

Calum lets her go, hoping that when she comes back she will be calmer and he can apologize. He knew she'd probably be mad about the secret, but he had not thought of it causing this much damage... Trudging into the closet he finds some shorts and a hoodie to dress in before taking a basket of the sorted laundry to start the wash.

"Why was Skye crying when she left?" Nika appears at the doorway with worry written across her little features.

"Dad made a mistake and she needs some time to calm down. I made her sad." He sighs.

"I know it was an accident. She will know it too. She loves you. She told Sierra and Crystal she was never going to leave us again, and I believed her."

"I'm not worried about that, Curly Girly. I'm just mad at myself for making her mad." Calum chuckles softly, wrapping Nika in a hug as he moved to leave the laundry room.

"Are you going to make her dinner? She likes when you cook for her."

"I was thinking about it. You want to help me?"

"Yeah!" Nika grins at the idea, dragging him by the hand towards the kitchen.


Skye parks her car in the emptying lot, the sun setting over the Pacific Ocean in the not too far distance. Leaning back in her seat as her eyes drift to the stack of papers on the passenger seat. She's yelled at Calum about lying to her, but she'd lied too. Whatever information is contained in those papers about her dads life after he left them, it's going to affect her, and it's going to hurt...

Her eyes move back to the horizon for a moment, mustering up the courage to look again. This time to study, and discover what life her father had decided was better than her and her brothers. Had it really been bad enough for Calum to lie to her about?

She knows he wouldn't lie to her unless it was serious, she knows he knows how she feels about that. She knows he understands why lying is such a touchy subject for her. There must be a reason then right..?

With that thought she rips the papers off the seat, not letting her mind fight itself anymore on the matter. Calum wouldn't lie unless it was serious, and she needs to know how serious.

What do the papers say???

Was Calum in the right to lie?

Will they be able to fix this?

Updating just a little early for y'all.

Sav and I were supposed to see 5sos tonight but Covid pushed it back on us. But we have still had a great weekend! I go home tomorrow afternoon and I'm sad to leave her.

Vote and comment!

I love you guys!!!

~M =)

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