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"Cal. You have to do this. Now." Ashton grumbles angrily as the group files onto the rooftop patio.

"I know." Calum sighs, glancing at Nika who has been clung to KayKay every chance she's had. Barely acknowledging her dad when they are in their hotel suite together. Though she has been sleeping in the right room since they left London a week ago.

"Italy will always be my favorite place to come in Europe." Crystal smiles, sliding into a chair around the large table, her eyes wandering over the countryside.

"They definitely have wine that's hard to beat." Sierra nods, setting Matthew in the booster the restaurant had provided for him.

"It's almost worth breaking my little alcohol detox for Italian wine, but I want to prove to myself I can finish off the tour of Europe without it." KayKay laughs. The no alcohol thing had surprised Calum at first, but after Ashton's confession of their attempts to conceive it had all suddenly made sense.

"I cannot believe you're turning down a glass of Barolo." Crystal laughs, "That's dedication KayKay."

"It's so hard, trust me." Kay laughs.

"You okay, Cal?" Michael asks from across the table.

Startling slightly, Calum glances up from where he'd been studying the logo on his napkin, not sure how to bring up what he has successfully avoided for a week now, and in actuality, over a month... "Oh, ya uh... just some stuff on my mind." He stutters our nervously.

"You've been acting off since we got to London a couple weeks ago. And you and Nika have not been good since then either. What's up, man?" Luke asks.

"I've kind of been keeping a major secret... and it's caused a lot of issues." Calum sighs, running a hand through his messy brown curls.

"Ya... a lot." Nika scoffs under her breath, earning herself a stern look form KayKay.

"What's going on, Cal?" Sierra asks, turning her attention from the baby to him.

"I kind of have a girlfriend." He swallows.

"Kind of?" Ashton pushes knowingly.

"Okay, more than kind of. But I know how you all feel about her so I've been keeping it secret. Mali figured it out really fast in London, that's why Nika and I have been at odds. Ashton and KayKay know because Nika told them, but they were kind enough to let me come clean to all of you." He fiddled with his fork, not looking up to meet anyone's eye.

"I swear, Calum, if she fucking hurts you again... I will not be afraid to rip her hair out." Crystal hisses.

"Why, Cal? After everything that's happened between you two, the history, the pain?" Sierra frowns, and as he lifts his head to make eye contact he can see that pain in her eyes.

"It's different. It's indescribable. I really can't explain but it's what makes my soul come alive, being with her. So I'm not going to let the fears hold me back. I feel like her life is in a much more stable place now, and it won't end like it did before."


"No, Mike. No fighting me this time. I'm more sure about this than I have been about anything. I get that it's hard to understand, I get that you're concerned. But I know what I'm doing and nothing you guys say is going to change my mind on this. Accept that as an adult I have made this choice on my own, and I didn't do it lightly. I did take all of Nika's feelings and thoughts on the matter into consideration, and I thought about how all of you would feel, and I decided it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter because seeing her again, being with her again, it's worth it all. So try and get comfortable with the idea. You all liked her once, I hope you can figure out how to like her again. I trust her, and I need you guys to trust me in that, and learn to trust her again too."

"You can't tell us how to feel, Calum. We all have out own issues with her, and our own relationships that she ruined. She threw us all away without looking back, and we have to be able to work through those feelings on our own. You may have decided to look past all her indiscretions and the issues she caused, but that doesn't mean we have to. And I do feel like this could be a sour point for me for a while." Sierra shakes her head at him, "I thought we were closer than sisters and then she disappeared on me and you, and left us in a mess of hurt, and I don't know if I want that person around my son or around me again. I'm sorry."

"Why can't you think like Sierra, dad." Nika sighs, flicking her hand out towards her aunt dramatically, "She gets it."

"You're feelings are all valid. I get that you have your own apprehensions and fears with this. But I am not going to stop seeing her, and I don't want to hide her away like I'm ashamed of her. So you will have to at least be civil."

"Have you given any thought to how the fans are going to react to this, Calum? They might hate Skye more than we do." Luke sighs.

"I have and I don't know how it will go over with them. But I also can't deny myself happiness for them. They are fans not friends and family, and I can't even convince myself to stop fighting for you guys or even Nika. So the fans sure as hell are not going to be the reason I stop fighting for this."

"I still don't like it." Nika grumbles.

"I know that, Nika, but it doesn't change my mind. And we have discussed that enough times." Calum turns to her.

"I don't like it either, Cal, but I respect your choice. Don't get hurt again." Sierra sighs.

"I won't, you'll see. She's stable now. really stable."

"I hope you're right." Crystal sighs.

"I know I am." He insists, glancing at the table top as his phone lights up with Skye's contact. "Excuse me."

Stepping away from the group Calum slides to answer the call, watching his friends talk quietly, their faces clearly masked in concern. "Hey." He answers after a moment, cringing at the way his voice comes out.

"So you know why I'm calling." She doesn't sound amused at all.

"No, I just got through a grilling session of admitting us to the band and it sucked." He sighs.

"Us? Like you call me or text me enough for me to even feel like there is an us?" She scoffs.

"I know. I'm sorry." He sighs, "Nika has taken it all so badly, and I've been trying to salvage my relationship with her, and get her to be okay with us. It's taken away from my time to talk to you and I am sorry for that."

"Ya, just like I thought. Your friends and family don't like us together and it's making you pull away. I just hate that you don't seem to realize that you are subconsciously pulling away. I'm all in, but I don't feel like you are, even if you want to say it."

"Skye, I am. I promise. I'll call more. Everyone knows now, I don't have to try and hide our calls anymore. That will help."

"You told me you would call more last week. It hasn't happened."

"I mean it this time, babe. I will call you more. I promise."

"Figure out where you stand for real with us, Cal. I don't want to play games. I want to be with you, but only if you want to be with me for real too."

"I want you, Skye, I love you, Skye. I am going to do better."

"I hope so. Enjoy your day, I have work to get to."

"Hey, I'll call you tonight, okay?"

"I won't hold my breath."

"Sk-" before he can finish her name the line has gone dead. Plastering on a smile he turns back to his friends, definitely not keen on them knowing things are not peachy perfect with Skye at the moment.

Sierra is mad, Skye is hurt, and Nika is still uncomfortable. How long before all the emotions burst and how will Calum deal with it when it does?

What happens next?

My bestest friend SavSOS_ birthday is next week! Go read her books cuz they are amazing and she deserves all the reads for her birthday!!!!

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I love you guys!!!

~M =)

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