Rest [Error and Nightmare]

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A friendly for now reminder that there is nothing sexual in any of these chapters for a reason. I don't care if you interpreted it that way, in description I said that I don't want any suggestive or sexual comments, because they make me uncomfortable since I'm asexual and sex-repulsed, so don't leave them.

For now it's just in the first chapter but if I have to I will copy that to all of the others.


The Anti-void was quiet, its resident not there at the moment. However this didn't last for too long, bacause a glitching portal has opened and a black skaleton literally fell from it on the white floor.

Error groaned. Another fight with Ink and what's worse he actually lost, which forced him to escape to this cursed place. Fortunately none of his bones were broken and he was in a good overall state, at least physically. However he was tired and frustrated. Because of this stupid artist he can't come back for a while, or he will definitely face him again. All Error was doing was watching the stars in Outertale!

He sighed and his anger soon changed into sadness. The creator was now probably with Blue or Dream or somebody else, who was congratulating him on "stopping" the destroyer and spending time with him. Meanwhile not only did Error lose, but he also had nobody waiting for him. No creature was here to reassure or cheer him up.

Of course a monster like him didn't need any company. Definitely not. It's not like he has spent years in this white, completely empty space, with nobody else. At least that was what he would say if anybody asked. But deep down he felt lonely, he really had no one...

Well, there was Nightmare. He and Error had known each other for quite a long time, talked and even spent some time together, until one day the goopy skeleton claimed to be Error's friend. Destroyer didn't really oppose to the idea, but didn't believe in the statement either. Why on Earth would he want to be his friend? Probably only to use the negativity he was producing or something like that, but Error would never actually think that he wanted to be friends with him, because he liked him. Even if Nightmare visited him many times since then and really seemed to enjoy this hang outs, he was still suspicious.

There was just no way, nobody has ever wanted to willingly spend time with him. Nobody liked him...

While Error was deep in his depressing thoughts, another portal appeared and a skeleton came through it.

"Hey Error-, why are you laying down?"

Error's body has shot up as he quickly sat straight, looking a little shaky from the sudden arrival. There he was. "Ohh... umm... what are you doing here, Nightmare?"

Said skeleton sat down in front of Error. "Can't a friend visit a friend? Besides, I felt your negative emotions, and they were a little stronger than usually, did something happen?"

Error slowly looked at the other. "...Why do you want to know?"

Nightmare seemed a little confused. "Well, we're friends, aren't we? And so I care about you and your well-being."

Error was taken aback by these words. Did he really mean that? "You do?"

"Of course I do! Why wouldn't I?" Nightmare looked worriedly at his friend. He thought that he has earned Error's trust. Of course he knew that it wouldn't be such an easy task, but a really long time has passed since they first met.

Error blinked once or twice and said, "Firstly, I am the fricking destroyer of universes, secondly nobody has ever really cared about me, and finally aren't you just friends with me because I give you a lot of negativity and don't actually like me?"

Error's book of angst and fluff (finished)Where stories live. Discover now