chapter 15 | rushing feelings

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I felt my heart begin to race as we got closer to the doors. Thoughts of the condition my cousin could be in, the condition Jack could have brought me to the edge of my seat. I needed to see them, know what happened.. Poor Shawn raced us over here from the university. Breaking a few laws in order to get here as quick as possible.

"We're looking for Ashton Green and Jack Gilinsky!" Shawn slammed his hands in the hospital's front desk. The lady looked up at him in startlement, going back to look over at her computer. I looked up to see Shawn's look grow impatient. We both were.

"Mr. Green is in room 3-04." She replied, continuing to scroll down her list in the computer.

"Okay the other one?" He asked a little too quickly.

The lady's eyebrows furrowed, looking carefully up and down the screen. "Oh, he's in immediate care." She looked back up at us.

I looked back at Shawn and I swear he was about to lose it. Shawn may seem like a nice guy, and he is, but he's also holding back anger and a lot of it. My hand flew over to his chest, signing him to stop. I could handle it.

"I'm sorry," I furrowed my eyebrows."Immediate Care?"

The lady nodded.

"Is he okay!?" My eyes widened.

"I'm sorry, I can't help you there. I only work at the desk." She looked sorry.

"How can you people not know!" I exclaimed. "Search it up in your computer or something! Is that what you get paid for, giving out names and not knowing shit!"

I was really heated. I felt my heart beat faster, breath coming out in short puffs of air. My mouth opened to keep talking but I was stopped for once by Shawn.

"Hey, hey, hey.." He eased. "I'm worried too but this isn't the way to get what you want."

I sighed, closing my eyes. Shawn stepped back in the next second.

"Look, we just wanna know where our friend is."

I saw the lady look back at me with a dirty look in her face. I didn't care, I gave her the same dirty look on my face. I hate this, I hate waiting. I even hate just thinking of what could've happened. Why is Jack the one in Immediate Care..

"I'm not suppose to do this, at least not until the doctors are done with him." She looked down and pulled out a notepad and pen. "But I want to prove to someone that I do know shit." She referred to me as she finished scribbling what she had to write down on the piece of paper. Shawn looked back me, a wide look in his face as he waited for her to finish. I just shrugged my shoulders.

"Here." She handed him the note.

"Thank you." Shawn took the paper, walking back out towards the long busy hallways of the hospital.

"Lets see Ash first. He might be stable enough to tell us what happened." He spoke while speed walking in front of me. I couldn't agree more. I was worried sick for Jack but I need to see Ashton too. Find out what happened and what he knows about Jack. I'm sure he'd like to see all of us and not just Shawn and I.

We raced up and down the halls, searching through all the doors in order to find 3-04.

"Here!" Shawn exclaimed, pointing over at the door that read the number we were initially looking for.

I was closest to it to I was the one to first race to it. The door swung open, heads turning around in gasp.

"Where is he?" I exclaimed walking deeper into the room, not minding the worried faces of the rest of the people there.

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