chapter 25 | road trip

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dedicated to: sam_baileyy

Next Week.

"Load them up!" Ashton shouted, instructing Jack and Jack on what to do with their band equipment.

I placed the box of aux cords down on the small truck we had hooked to the back of Shawn's truck. We were filling it up with our special equipment. Everything was going to be amazing for this performance. As a matter of fact, this is going to be the first real road trip I've ever taken. The guys have been on plenty, or so they say from all the gigs they've been traveling to before. One was even out of state in Canada. I imagine being on the road with them for tat long. But at least I'm not going to be the only girl, Sarah and Aria are here too.

"Let's go, people! Hustle up!" Ashton kept exclaiming.

"You know, it'd be easier if you helped too, Ash." Jack stated after dropping the drum piece he and Johnson were lifting into the truck.

I moved away, Jack ended up standing right besides me and when no one was looking I flashed him a smile.

"If I helped then who would do my job?" He pointed back at himself, immediately going back to ordering the guys to do what he wanted them to do. It was funny, none of the other guys seemed to mind. We all know how Ash is, he's Ashton Green! And Ashton Green doesn't like to help, he likes to order, and that goes for everything.

"It's almost a 20 hour drive to Coachella." Sarah spoke carrying out a box and walking out of the house Jack, Johnson, and I were walking back into. "It'd be better if you helped so we could leave already and not get there late!"

All three of us laughed as we entered the house. It soon dimmed as once we stepped in and became approached by another tall figure who was stepping out of the house behind Sarah. We stood in awkward silence, looking up at Cameron who was bringing out an electric guitar.

The tension started to rise between both guys.. Judging how things were previously left last week, neither one of them has even been in the same room as each other until now. Not even when we were working on writing new songs for the performances they spoke of each other.

"Sorry, your in my way." Cam looked directly back at Jack for a moment before darting them back down to me. "Hi, Zo."

I felt Jack's sudden reaction race behind me. I was lucky enough to stop him before he actually did something stupid. Flaring my eyes up at him, I mouthed him the word 'Stop' before turning back around. My eyes met with Cam's, giving him a small shake to my head in disappointment towards the way he was acting lately. The way both guys were actually. Our shoulders gently brushed against each other's as I past him with Johnson awkwardly joining begin me. Both guys barely had a minute to themselves before they went again on there separate ways.

"Is something going on?" Johnson asked in a whispered tone behind me.

I shook my head and continued walking down the stairs to the basement. Once I was down in the practice room, I looked up. Johnson was right behind me and Jack was just coming down the stairs. My argument was going to be in him now.

"Is this how you two are going to act for the rest of your lives?" I asked wisely, crossing my arms to look up at Jack.

He seemed ticked off, wanting an argument with me was probably the last thing he wanted right now.

"What about the ride up to Coachella? That's almost a whole day in a car with you two and this is what it's going to be like?" I questioned him.

Jack finished the flight of stairs. I didn't mind Johnson overhearing is because he already knew about us. Heck, of it wasn't for him we probably wouldn't be here right now. He's the only other person besides Sam who knows what's going on behind the curtains.

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