chapter 1 | new beginnings

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It's not everyday your parents walk into your room and tell you to move out. No, I didn't do anything wrong, unless if you count deciding to go to college 1,152 miles away from home as a wrong decision. I know, far right? But I couldn't help it, Nebraska University was always an option for me for no more than two reasons. A.) Because it's well know for it's good journalism classes, something I'm giving much thought into. And B.) Because I'm further away from my parents.

Growing up, my father always wanted me to be like him. A doctor as a matter of fact. Being an only child meant it wasn't an option. But my mother saw right through me. I don't have the mind or patience for medicine. I'm happy for my father, he's considered a hero everyday by the millions of people he helps. But really? Another doctor in the family? No. My Mom finally convinced him to give me a try with writing, something I became particularly attached to since my friends back home weren't really considered so friendly. He was furious at first, still is actually. So now moving in with my cousin was meant to be some kind of punishment, almost as a way to get me to give up and move back to Washington where I'll continue my father's desire of having me become the next doctor in the family. I can't let that happen.

My cousin wasn't always the school type of guy. He was more into doing whatever life throws at him and moving on. He got kicked out of school one day for vandalizing school property. That day, he grabbed a duffle bag, took some money, and left. I haven't seen him since. We've talked on the phone but rarely, we started drifting away and my parents played a huge role in that being because they didn't want me to grow up and turn into someone like him. Now, four years later, I find out I'm going to live with him in his house in Nebraska, exactly where I'm going to be attending college in. Of course, my parents didn't want me to get a dorm, what will that teach me?

I took the plane ride here, my parents stayed behind. I can do this on my own, I'm 18 now. They can consider this as a punishment as much as they want but I actually take this as a test. A test to see if I'm ready for life away from them. And I am. Even if it means staying with my bad influence of a cousin.

I stepped out the cab after paying my fair and grabbing my bags, shutting the door to have it drive away. In front of me was a decent size house. It's colors were a light, almost like a tint of grey and blue, and the roof was an even darker shade of grey. The house was surrounded by green plants, many of them. Parked in the driveway big enough for two cars stood only a big, white vehicle which I suspect is my cousin's.

My feet carried me up the garden stones to the front white door. I was about to knock when I was taken by surprise and it opened by the other side.

"There you are!" A big smile spread across his face. I was undertaken by the grasp he had held upon me, an embrace bigger than I ever suspected. Did he really miss me this much?

He pulled back shortly. Lord, he's changed so much since I last saw him in freshman year of high school. His hair was much darker now, I can see he's even taken the time to put it up in some type of messy blowout hairdo. His eyes remained dark and full of mystery. Puberty finished him off just fine. I can't believe that this is my cousin. I can only imagine the girls running after him. He was only wearing a pair of grey joggers and socks, I can tell the black t-shirt he had on was literally just put on by the way he finished bringing it down his long torso. A few, newly inked tattoos showed from his left shoulder; he didn't have those before. I just can't imagine the plenty more he has yet to be discovered.

"Come in." He licked his bottom lip, moving past me to grab my second bag and close the door. "Wow, I can't believe it's actually you." He smiled. "You look great by the way."

"Thanks, Ash. You too." I smiled, eyes wandering around his house. It was actually pretty clean for a guy. All the furniture matched the exterior colors of the house. I was now standing in the walkway of the living room and the kitchen a little bit further back on the left side. I have to admit, this is a pretty cozy place and I don't think I'll have a problem getting used to it.

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