chapter 17 | welcome to the band

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After agreeing with my idea, Jack and I told the rest of the guys. They ended up liking the idea and it took way less convincing than it did to get Jack onboard. Now they just claimed that as long as I can get the mystery-song-writer to help with the lyrics then they're in.

Now for the really hard part.. Getting Johnson onboard.

We only have one more day. The barbecue is tomorrow and it's still bright and early. This convincing better not take all day.

"You sure you don't want me to go in there with you?" Jack asked, turning his head to me from the drivers seat.

"Oh, I'm sure alright." I quickly unstrapped myself from the seat of his car, opening the door to step off in the street. "Just stay here." I ordered. Once he nodded I knew it was okay for me to leave.

Gently slamming the car door closed, I fixed my bag over my shoulder and turned around.

No cars were passing by so it was okay for me to quickly scurry across the street to the side across from where Jack parked his car to enter Lee's Music Shop.

Like I said before, it was still very early. Not much people were going around and the sky still had that nice morning winter fog. I wouldn't be surprised if the only person here was just Ethan and Jack. Andrea doesn't work today and Matt isn't a morning person himself so he decides when he wants to come in at work.

This was the only place I knew I could find him. The only place I could talk to him if it wasn't for Jack insisting on driving me this morning so I wouldn't take the bus.

I pulled the door open, hearing the same little bell ring above my head as I did so.

"We're still not open!" A voice similar to Jack's was heard from the back closet as I let the door close behind me.

My eyes wandered around, feeling strange in being here so early and with no one around.

"Hey! I said we're--

The voice came closer to me, stopping as the body stepped out from the back and started angrily speaking back.

"Oh." Johnson stopped in his tracks in front of me, uniform on and everything, to just give me a dirty look. "Its you." He spoke bitterly.

My eyes remained in shock. "Hi, nice to see you too." I spoke back at him sarcastically.

Johnson rolled his eyes, quickly moving back to head over where he previously was working at. "I thought you didn't work today?" He's attitude still remained bitter buy I had no trouble in replying to him and following right behind him.

"I don't." I replied. "I actually came here to see you."

Johnson stopped again. We were now in the back of the store where Ethan is always working at unloading boxes of new records coming in and old ones being sent out.

"Me?" He turned around arching a brow before pointing at himself. "You came to see Me? " He asked. "Why?"

"I felt bad for the way things started off between you and me." I was honest. "I wanted to know if we could start over?"

He just rolled his eyes again, turning around to pick up a box in his hands. "Okay.. Now what do you really want?"

"What?" My face went down to complete utterness. He can't be serious, right?

"You heard me?" He nodded, walking right past me to enter back into the store. I followed him again.

"Is there any way around you?" I talked behind him. "Okay I made a mistake and I'm sorry. You can't just hate me for something like that?"

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