chapter 2 | welcome to nebraska

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"What!" The male now known for as Jack exclaimed. After what he just heard, I can't believe this guy still hasn't got off of me. My night couldn't get any worse..

"Yes!" Ashton exclaimed back. "Now would you please mind getting off her? She's practically naked and it's getting really awkward?"

Without saying another word, he just sighed, soon enough loosening his grip around me and getting up. He didn't even offer to help me up even after tackling me down like that. Ashton was the one who ended up giving me a hand and I quickly pulled back down my shirt. When I said before that my night couldn't get any worse, I think I spoke too soon. Two strangers, one being my attacker, and the last one being my own cousin just saw me in my underwear. This is now officially the last time I'm ever sleeping like that.

"Why on earth were you attacking my cousin?" Ashton asked Jack who was looking down at the ground.

He turned his attention back up to me, pointing at me like I was the one to blame for all of this. "She was the one who started it!" He exclaimed, moving to grab the can of hairspray and pin it up for all of them to see. "She just came in behind me and sprayed this.." He looked at the can to read the label. "This stuff in my eyes!"

Ashton turned to me with a wise look on his face. "Is this true?"

"I didn't know any better!" I defended. "I thought the guy was a bugler! I was defending myself."

"Defending yourself from what? The cereal box I was getting from the cabinet?" His voice was flat and I let out a deep breath.

"Okay, okay." Ashton cooed stepping in between us and turning to look at each of us at a time. "I'm sure it was just a misunderstanding."

"Ashton, how come you never told me you had a cousin?" I felt the other guy's eyes burn into my skin from behind.

I quickly turned back around to pin my eyes by how rude and open he was with his comments. Ashton was quick to step again but this time in front of me and the other guy. "Cameron, you're scaring her."

"I can't help it!" He bit his bottom lip while making attempts to surpass my cousin's body and look at me again.

Ashton kept telling him to stop before turning back to look over his shoulder. "Zoey, why don't you go and change into something that won't get my friend.. You know..excited?"

I nodded my head, swiftly passing by Ashton and his tempted friend but stopping midway to tell him I called the cops.

"You what!" Ash's face went in shock.

"I'm sorry, I was worried." I replied.

Ashton looked back at his friends, who all had widened looks on their faces. I was afraid he'll start yelling at me but who can you blame for trying to protect themselves? At least I tried unlike some girls who would freak out and hide in the closet or something, the most obvious place possible.

"Okay, I'll call the station and explain to them what happened." He waved his hand in my dismissal. "Just, hurry up and change."

I nodded my head, rushing back into my room. I quickly changed into a pair of shorts and dug around the area to find my navy blue sweater and plop it over me. Once I was done with that, I untucked my hair from the sweater it was being held by and walked out.

My pace suddenly decreased by far as the sudden mumbling sounds that came from the kitchen. I became aware of the conversation and grew surprisingly into it once I understood what they were talking about.

"What is she doing here anyways?" A voice as deep as the guy who attacked me sounded.

"She's living with me. Tonight was her first night." Ashton explained.

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