chapter 31 | its time to tell

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dedicated to: bcm111


It's been days now since I last talk to Jack, or any of the boys to be exact..

Apparently the guys did so well in their Coachella performance that Michael Espinosa wanted them to stay for another week of the festival. Obviously this was good, great even! The guys got such a good feedback from the crowd that the don't want them to leave. They told us this was a first time ever thing to happen with the less noticed bands that perform. Of course, such success called for more celebration; much to which I wasn't so up for.

That my friend is another big reason why I still haven't seen any of them.

I've showed up to the events but never stayed for their after parties which is where I can actually have a decent conversation that didn't just say "good job out there".

So I skipped all that once I noticed it wasn't really much to my celebration or even ours.. It was the guys. Again, not that I have a problem with it, I'd just rather skip the whole "oh so you're friends with Jack Gilinsky? Tell us about him" story.

Yup, we still weren't talking.

It sucks, and it's been killing me so deeply inside. I'd say something to him, I've been meaning to for days now. There's just never a right time, he's busy.. Very busy.

Today makes two nights I don't seem them in a row.

Trust me, if there's anyone out of us that wants this trip to be over already it's me. Who knew Nebraska would be the place I'd want to run off too. Nothing ever happens there.. And well, everything happens here.

I've been laying in bed all day. Much to my surprise, the tiredness I was feeling before was all gone. Maybe I was thinking too much. The thinking hasn't stopped since I left Coachella and now it was interrupting my sleep. Well, I guess you can say I was never really that tired in the first place. I just needed some type of excuse to leave the festival that day, and I've been using that same excuse throughout the entire week. I needed to get away from Jack. I can tell I wasn't wanted in his presence and I tend not to feel myself anymore when I'm around people who feel that way about me.

All my life people have been telling me that I don't matter. The thing is I do. At least I want to believe I do. My parents have been busy their entire lives so they never even had time for me. My so called "friends" back home only liked me because of my parents money. And everyone else that even looked at me just thought of me of nothing less because I didn't want to follow in the steps of my genius father..

And now the fact that Jack is joining that list of people hurts me.

There was nothing for me to do about it anymore. All I've been doing these past five days is staying in my pajamas and chilling in the rooftop of the hotel we were staying in. Who knew fresh air would be just the right medicine you'd need after a stressful week? This trip has been nothing but bad to me.

So now here I stand.

1 a.m. and standing on top of the hotel rooftop which also happened to have a pool in it.

I was all alone. A balcony surrounded the circumference of the building, allowing you to over look the beautiful city lights from above. The pool lights were on, reflecting a pure blue color from the water. It was soothing, calming even.

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