chapter 24 | we're going to california!

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dedicated to: teresaroque19

Hamilton Grier.. That's his name. I've spent these past few weeks just thinking about him. What could he look like? I always hoped that if one day my parents had a child while I was growing up he'd be just like me in way.. Something we can get along as. He lives in Los Angeles, California. Exactly 1,558 miles away from me. That's further than I ever could've even imagined.

I wanted to go see him. Find out this other part of me that I have no clue about. Its almost as if now that I found out he exists, there's a whole new side to everything. Why my parents never seemed to get along. I bet it was just for my sake and I'll be forever grateful but I'm practically an adult now. I want to hear his side too. What his life was like? Was it any different from mine? Does he know about my father? About my family?

About me?

The questions are endless. He probably has some too and as an older sister, well, half-sister, I'll be more than happy to answer them for him. Just like I'm hoping he'll do for me. Hamilton is all I have now. He's the only person left for me to understand my background, understand my family.
This is just another reason why I should find him. But the ways remain unanswered.

Again, we can't have anyone suspect we found him. Especially Ashton! If he does he'll go running to tell my parents. Not that he means it or anything but he, just like me, is scared of them. Mostly my father. And now since Ash isn't going to the school they're paying for, he can't afford to get them on their bad side more than he already is. I understand that which is why he won't know! It'll save us both big time. Also, it's not like I can fake a trip to California with Jack for the weekend. They'll know immediately something is up.

We'll just have to wait and see I guess.

"Hey." I heard a voice speak.

My head looked up, faking a smile as if nothing was going on to look back up at Ashton. He slid his body inside my bedroom, making it seem as if it was his own. He held a basketball in his hands and wore the same dark clothing as usual. "Wow."

I dropped the paint brush I was previously using on my painting before I was interrupted by my thoughts and set it aside. "What do you want, Ash?" Eyes watched as Ash made himself comfortable around my stuff, touching and looking at all the sketches I had around my room. It was a mess I know, but it's been weeks since this art project was assigned and I haven't worked on it since. I figured I'd take some time off and finish it already. I had to admit though, I kinda liked it.

"What's with the whole Mona Lisa thing you got going on here?" Ash laughed as he looked down at my portrait from above me.

I was on the ground, his presence above me made me uncomfortable so I stood up and turned. My eyes laid contact with his shortly after. "It's called art and by the way, Mona Lisa wasn't a painter, she was Leonardo DiVinci's friend and he painted her. Not the other way around."

"Same shit.. I could care less." Ash shrugged his shoulders. "Hey listen." He turned around just as I passed his body to put wash the dirty brushes in the bathroom sink of my bedroom. "So, Michael Espinosa called and said he was going to tell us tomorrow where and when the next gig was going to happen." He started speaking, eyes still looking around the once all white room. "He said this time it was going to be a little more different than usual."

I turned on the faucet, dumping the purple water down the sink and rinsing off the tips of the different sized brushes. "Different how?" I asked, calling back out to him.

"For once it's going to be out in the open and in a bigger crowd than usual."

I stepped out of the bathroom leaving my material behind. I was drying my hands when I made face to face contact with him again. My eyebrows furrowed, confused towards the look Ash was starting to grow on his face. It was hard to make out. He seemed nervous yet excited and at the same time thrilled. Where could they possibly be playing?

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