chapter 7 | different side to Jack

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"This is bullshit." Ashton exclaimed as he walked through the front door of his house, knocking down to the ground a lamp as he passed by. We all followed behind him. Well, what was left of us..

It was 2a.m. now. After we left the bar, Ash made us go back outside and talk to the announcer about what happened back there. It took a while to find him but when we did, Ashton and the rest of the guys were more than furious. The announcer just shook his head and told them it wasn't his fault. That just made them even more furious and caused Ash to drive back home angrily and mindlessly. This brought him to get a speeding ticket and now well.. he's officially more than just pissed.

Shawn had taken Sarah right after we left the bar to go home. He was probably the only one not drinking tonight and Sarah was his main concern since she was a bit tipsy by the end of the night so he was long gone. Cameron claimed he was too dizzy to drive so he tagged along with Jack back to Ash's place where now we're observing his insane tantrum.

I managed to close and lock the door once the guys were in before Ashton started yelling again. Throwing yet another lamp across the room, he started cursing. I tried not to mind it, it was only a lamp and it wasn't hurting anybody. I understand he was angry, they all were, only I think the other guys were more upset than they were angry because neither of them threw anything at someone.

"The fuck they think they are!" He shouted, turning around to face us with his hands in the air.

No one said anything. I figured I shouldn't either. But I was worried about Ashton, I know how important this was to him and seeing him react this way worries me a little.

Without a moment to spare, Ashton turned back around, slamming a vase against the wall to have it shatter into a bunch of little pieces. I had jumped in startlement, not having to think it twice before maneuvering my way in between Jack and Cameron to walk over to my cousin. A large hand gripped mine before I had the chance to pass any further. I looked up to see no more than Jack's stern look gazed upon my cousin. A look of steadiness and warning was clear in his eyes as he kept looking forward at Ash.

"I wouldn't go there if I were you." He warned.

I glanced back at Ashton, throwing more and more objects by the second. He was taking it way too far, he could hurt someone, hurt himself.


"Just stay." I heard Cameron jump in before I could finish, looking sturdier than Jack as he did so. "Trust us, you'll get hurt."

I looked back at Ashton with worry in my eyes then back at Cameron and Jack. I was stuck between a thin line in trusting these two guys over jumping in and stopping my cousin before he gets hurt. It was hard because I wanted to help, but not get hurt and clearly it seems like that's exactly what's going to happen if I do.

"Please." I turned to Jack. This would be the first time I have spoken to him since later on in the day yesterday. "Please, Jack, do something." I begged, his hand was still gripped around my wrist. "He's going to get hurt."

He seemed to ponder over what I have kindly asked him to do. If they weren't going to let me do it myself then they better be prepared to go in themselves because I'm not going to let this happen.

Jack let out a deep sigh, not doing anything to stop Ash. I stubbornly rolled my eyes, hating on him for doing that and wriggling my wrist from his hold. He didn't try to stop me this time as I went in and grabbed Ashton by the arm, taking his hand away before he smashed it into the wall. "Stop!" I shouted at him, "Just.. Stop it already!"

Ashton looked at me with drowsy eyes. He was tired and a little drunk, not to mention very angry. "Get out of here Zoey, fuck, you don't understand!" His voice raised.

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