💛All Alone-2💛

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Chapter 2 | New Classmate

~Taeyong's POV~

I'm listening to the boy who is introducing himself in front of the class. His voice is so nice and his dimples are so cute. My eyes just stare at him, listening to whatever he says.

"My name is Jung Jaehyun. I'm 18 years old. I transfer here because my parents are gone, my mother have another family and my father passed away a week ago. I live with my uncle and he transfer me here as it is very near in his house. I'm also in a relationship with a boy in my old school, and yes I am bisexual." He smiled after introducing himself and take a bow.

Mr. Moon steps forward and look at me. I suddenly took my eyes off to Jaehyun.

"Mr. Lee, you're the president of this class right?" Mr. Moon asked me.

"Yes sir."

"Then you will be in charge to Jaehyun for a week. Show him around the campus as it is very big and help him to catch up through all your other lessons." Mr. Moon said and he take a look around to see if there's a vacant seat. I really hope he won't notice the seat beside me. I don't want to have a seat mate.

"Mr. Jung please take a seat beside Mr. Lee." Mr. Moon said then Jaehyun starts to walk.

He sits beside me and smiled showing his dimples. My heart went like really crazy then I put my hand in my chest. My heart is like gonna be out in my chest any minute. Then I remember, he said he is in a relationship so my heart suddenly calmed. The teacher starts to discuss and I'm just listening in front. Suddenly he tap my shoulder making me jump of scare.

"Hyung." he said making me laugh in my mind. Did he said hyung?

"Hyung?" I asked him raising one brow.

"Oh sorry, I don't know your name." he said rubbing his nape.

"My name is Lee Taeyong. Don't call me hyung. I'm not used to be called by that." I said and started to write what's on the board. "What do you want?"

"I don't understand what Mr. Moon is saying. Can you explain it to me please." He said in a low voice with puppy eyes.

He is so cute. I shook my head as I explained what Mr. Moon was trying to say. He finally got it with the 3rd time I explained the lesson. I groan every time he wants me to explain something cause I just want to focus on the lesson. Then the school bell rang and my classmates started to stand up.

When I finally pack my things, I started going out the classroom and then suddenly someone calls my name.

"Taeyong!" someone shouted then I turn around to see Jaehyun. "You will show me around right?"

Right, I totally forgot about that. I said in my mind. Then I saw Sicheng.

"Sorry Jaehyun, I'm busy right now. You can go with Sicheng, he is the vice president of the class." I pointed to Sicheng. "Sicheng!"

Sicheng came to us with Yuta, I think they're going on a date but I don't care.

"Can you show Jaehyun around? I'm busy right now." I said to Sicheng.

"What? We don't even have assignments." He said but it was too late as I already walk away going to the cafeteria.

I don't want showing around some new students as I'm not very talkative. I don't even have friends as my introverted self don't want to. I'm very shy to even say my name in front of every one. I'm just calm when it comes to class presentations or something like that.

~Yuta's POV~

Taeyong left me and Sicheng with Jaehyun. He suppose to be the one who will show the boy around.

"Sorry Jaehyun, you have to come with us." Sicheng smiled to Jaehyun then to me as I let out a sigh.

"It's ok. Why is Taeyong like that?" He asked as we started to walk.

"You see Taeyong is my best friend." I stated. "He's very introvert. I'm the only one he can talk to when he has problem or something."

"Oh, so that's why he's not talking to me." Jaehyun said his hand covering his mouth as he is shocked to what I said.

"Yeah, I'll just talk to him later." I said.

"You know, your friend is really cute. I want to be his friend." Jaehyun said.

"Just not his 'best' friend ok. That's me." I rolled my eyes as I giggle then Sicheng started to show Jaehyun around.


So here's another chapter. What do you think about this chapter? What will Yuta talk about with Taeyong?

Next chapter on Monday. Please look forward to it.


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