💛All Alone-16💛

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Chapter 16 | Blushes

~Taeyong's POV~

We got into my apartment after the tutor.

"Taeyong? Are you really ok? You have been blushing the whole time." Sicheng said as we sat at the couch.

I face-palm my self, yeah he'll notice.

I've just been thinking what happened back in the field, and it's making me blush harder.

"TAEYONG!" I flinched as Sicheng yelled at me.

"Oh, sorry. What were you saying?" I asked

"I asked you if you were ok? You have been blushing the whole time seriously,is something wrong?" Sicheng asked worryingly.

"I'm just thinking about Jaeh-" I cut myself as I notice what I'm about to say.

"So you like Jaehyun?"

I blushed again. Then nodded.

Sicheng is squealing over the apartment making me to stop him.

"Finally, you found someone." He panted, probably tired of squealing. "So how did it happen? How did you like him?"

"Love at first sight." I smiled.

"Good for you. Now let's take a rest." He patted my shoulder as he went into our room.

I followed him and as I entered the room I immediately throw myslef into my bed.

I'm thinking again what happened into the field.

Arghh, stop thinking about what happened.

I shook my head and sat up into my bed. I suddenly remember that we are going to amusement park tomorrow so I decided to call my cousin.

I dial the number and waited for it to be answered. It rang three times before someone answered the phone.

"Taeyong hyung? What makes you call me?"

"Do you want to go to the amusement park tomorrow? I mean I haven't seen you in a while so maybe you wanna come? I'm with Yuta, Sicheng and Jaehyun."

"Jaehyun? The transfered student?"

"Yeah, you know him?"

"Why wouldn't I? He's popular among girls in our year."

"Oh, is that so." I nervously laugh. "So you wanna come?"

"Sure, can I bring my boyfriend?"

"Yes you can. So see you tomorrow at 10 am."

"Thank you hyung! See you too."

And I hang up first.

I decided to take a shower and after that I wore an oversized t-shirt and just a boxer. Yeah it looks like i dont wear anything under.

I lay into my bed and pick my phone into the nightstand beside my bed. I look into the time and it's already 8:39 in the evening.

I saw Sicheng sleeping peacefully into his bed.

Many hours passed and I couldn't sleep. I look into my phone and it is already 1:27 in the morning.

I scroll through my contacts and think who might be awake at this time.

My heart skip just seeing Jaehyun's contact. Do I really like him that makes my heart skip just by seeing his contact?

Is he still awake?

I was about to put down my phone but my freaking finger pressed the call button.

I widen my eyes as my I saw my phone is calling Jaehyun. The hell is wrong with my finger?

I immediately ended the call before he could answer but my hand slip and was about to fall into my face but I catch it.

I sighed but when I look into my phone, it is calling Jaehyun again. The hell, I accidentally pressed the call button again.

But then someone answered, I was shocked.

"Whoever you are, you better have a good reason for calling me past midnight!" Jaehyun whisper-shouted.

"Oh, sorry Jaehyun, I accidentally pressed the call button into my contacts, and it's me Taeyong."

"Oh, hi Taeyong. Why are you still up?"


Hi guys! Here's another chapter!

What do you think about Taeyong accidentally calling Jaehyun?

And thank you for those who reads this book cause it's already has 500 reads!!


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