💛All Alone-13💛

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Chapter 13 | Forgive and Accept

~Jaehyun's POV~

The next day after I broke up with Doyoung, I didn't come to school.

I don't want to see our Teacher whom Doyoung replaced me.

We've broken up about three times, I still love him that time.

Now is the fourth time, I think I had enough. No more come backs. And I don't love him anymore. I'm sure I'm used to it by now.

I'm in my room all day, not eating and not taking a bath.

Current time is 3:17 in the afternoon when I realize that I really need to eat and take a bath.

After eating and takinv a bath, I think I'm better. I really am used being broken.

After an hour of doing chores in the house, there's a knock coming in the front door.

I swear uncle, why do he need to knock if this is his house. I groaned before hopping off the bed and went through the front door.

As I opened the door, I saw the person who I did not expected to come here.

Why is he here? Like what is he doing here? I swear if he wants me back but I won't.

"Seriously Doyoung, what are you doing here?" I asked, my arms in my chest as I look at him annoyingly.

"I just come here to say sorry." He responded.

"It's ok Doyoung, I'm used being broken so I easily moved on." I sighed.

"Really? You forgive me?" He exclaimed.

"Yeah, but we're not getting back with each other." I said as I moved my hands into my waist.

"Yeah it's ok. At least we could be friends?"

"Yeah sure, by the way what are you really doing here? You can just call me."

"Oh right, I'd like to return this." He pulled something in his box.

It's the ring that I bought for him.

"Oh no, you can keep it." I said as he gives it to me.

"No, it's yours, you bought it."

"It's really ok, besides you really like that one."

"Oh, thanks."

"Is there anything else?"

"Actually, did Taeyong call or text you by any chance?"

"No? Why would he. And how did you know him?"

"I asked him if he can look after you, and I gave him your phone number."

"Oh, he did not. And don't worry, I'm totally fine now."

"If that so, I'll be going now. Thank you Jaehyun."

"No problem. Bye."

After the talk, Doyoung bid his goodbye then I walk inside my room again.

I lay in my bed and suddenly doze into sleep.

~Yuta's POV~

"Noona, I can explain!" I exclaimed as my sister saw me and Sicheng kissing.

She's standing by the door soup in her hand, shocked.

"It's ok Yuta. I already know." She said calmly as she approached us.

"What? How?" I asked in confusion.

"I wouldn't know if you don't make it so obvious." She giggled as she puts the soup into my bedside.

"How am I being obvious?"

"You literally sends me a picture of you and Sicheng everyday, why wouldn't I noticed? You're very close to him than Taeyong who is your best friend since elementary days." He smiled at me.

"I'm sorry for not telling you noona." I lowered my head.

"It's ok, I accept you two just don't mess your school grades ok? And Sicheng, please take care of him I know he is stubborn but he has a soft heart."

"I know noona, and thank you for accepting me." Sicheng smiled at my sister as she walked out to our room.

"Seriously, my heart jumped when I saw her by that door." I giggled.

"Why didn't you tell your sister about you two?" Taeyong asks.

"Well, I just thought that she won't like Sicheng."

"Ok." Taeyong giggled. "By the way, do your assignments already. We can teach you." He smiled.

"Yeah right." I nodded.


Here's another chapter guys!

So Jaehyun moved on so fast haha! Also Yuta's noona accepted Yuta and Sicheng's relationship!


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