💛All Alone-27💛

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Chapter 27 | Hesitate

~Taeyong's POV~

"Hey Tae--" The voice was familiar. It was Yuta.

I suddenly open my eyes and we immediately stand up awkwardly.

"What's with your face?" He asked then started laughing.

"Hey Yuta, Sicheng." I waved my hands. "We were just making pancakes." I laughed nervously.

"Then why were you two on the couch?" Sicheng asked as he raised one of his brow.

We then went speechless.

"Just sit first. So many questions early in the morning." I rolled my eyes as I don't want to answer those questions.

The two of us then continued to make pancakes but this time we're not messy. We were quiet as no one doesn't want to speak.

The pancakes were finished and the four of us eat in the living room with the food that Yuta brought.

We ate there as we talk about some nonsense topics.

After we finished eating, Sicheng and I cleaned the kitchen.

"So, Jaehyun's not you're boyfriend yet?" Sicheng asked.

I blushed at that question.

"N-not yet."

"Why not." He raised a brow.

"I'm just... too shy."

"Hey it's ok. I've been there when Yuta was courting me." He smiled. "Do you love him?"

I nodded.

"Does he make you feel special?"

I nodded again.

"Do you want to be his boyfriend?"

And I nodded again.

"Just tell him before it's too late. He might find other guy out there and you'll regret it." He patted my shoulder and we went to the living room where Jaehyun and Yuta are laughing.

Yuta stands up and said that they need to go.

"Take care Taeyong, and Jaehyun thank you for taking care of Taeyong." Yuta said.

"No problem." He smiled then Yuta and Sicheng bid their goodbye to us.

Now we're alone again, and we decided to cuddle all day while watching some netflix.

Jaehyun are preparing the netflix while I decided to take a quick shower.

As I finished showering, I went to Jaehyun's bag that full of his clothes that is way big for me.

I decided to wear one of his clothes and I'm sure he don't mind.

The shirt is really big for me. The shirt is up to my knees like a dress and my boxers are hidden through the shirt.

I left my room and went to the living room where Jaehyun is patiently waiting for me.

He look up at me and saw how his jaw dropped just by looking at me.

"Is thay my shirt?" He asked. I nodded and he smiled. "Are you wearing something under?"

I blushed at that question, because it's like I dont wear anything under.

"Y-yes." Why did I stutter?

We then started to watch while eating.

Hours passed and it's already 4 in the afternoon.

We decided to take a walk in the park.

I wore my favorite pink oversized hoodie and some ripped pants. I also wore my favorite nike shoes.

We are now walking for about 30 minutes and decided to take a sit by the bench near the lake while eating ice cream.

"Is your head still hurts?" He asked.

"No, it's better now thank you." I smiled and he smiled back.

He puts his arm around my shoulder and I lean my head into his shoulder.

We were like that for some time and decided to go home and start our assignments.


Update at 12:13 in the midnight hahaha.

Also, thank for reads and your votes. I very happy that you read this, and btw did you check out my new book? It already has its intro.


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