💛All Alone-29💛

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Chapter 29 | Prom Night

~Third Person's POV~

It was the day of the prom night and Taeyong is getting ready for the night.

Jaehyun is not in his apartment since he wants to see Jaehyun in a surprise.

He will fetch Jennie in her house wanting to be a gentleman although he is gay.

Taeyong wore a turtle neck, a black tuxedo that has a bow tie. Black pants and a black shoes.

After he get dressed he went straight to Jennie's house and as he knock, he was welcomed by a beautiful girl, dressed in a blue dress and not too high heels and has a perfect make up.

"Hi Jennie." Taeyong waved.

"Hi Taeyong, should we go?" Jennie asked and Taeyong nodded.

Jennie bid her goodbye to her parents and they went to the venue where the prom night.

The ball room is big outside. It has many lights and glasses and there is a garden.

They went inside as they registered as a partner and went to the table where Yuta and Sicheng was.

The inside is very big. It has so many chandeliers and you can still see the garden from the outside.

"Hey Yuta, Jaehyun isn't here yet?" Taeyong asked as he take a seat beside Sicheng.

"Nope." He shook his head.

As Taeyong was looking around, by the entrance he saw a beautiful man. The two then locked their eyes at each other and he smiled with that cute dimples making Taeyong's heart flutter.

Taeyong didn't notice a girl beside Jaehyun as the girl just hug him and went away.

He walk towards Jaehyun and hug him tightly and kissed his cheeks.

"I missed you Jaehyunie~"

"I missed you too Yongie, let's take a seat."

The two then walk to where Yuta and Sicheng were seated.

Jaehyun greeted Yuta and Sicheng and the two greeted back.

"You look good Jae." Yuta smiled at Jaehyun.

"Thanks, you too." He then smiled back.

Soon, the program started and almost all of the students were dancing in the middle in the slow romantic music.

Some of them are eating quietly and that includes the four friends.

Soon Yuta and Sicheng decided to dance and went into the middle leaving the couple in the table.

"Jaehyunie~" Taeyong called as he move closer to Jaehyun. The latter hum in response. "Let's dance too."

Jaehyun then stood up and lend Taeyong a hand. "May I have this dance?"

Taeyong chuckled and grab Jaehyun's hand. "I would love to."

The two then went to the middle not far from their two friends.

The two danced for almost 5 minutes quietly, looking at each other's eyes and enjoying each other's presence.

Then Taeyong decided to break the silence. "Jaehyunie?"

"Yes Yongie?"

"I know you are the one that's courting me but..." Taeyong paused for a second.

"But what Yongie?" Jaehyun's heart is beating 10 times faster than normal.

He is nervous on what will Taeyong say.

Will he get rejected? Jaehyun's thought is full of negative thoughts.

Taeyong then inhale before letting the words out. "Will you be my boyfriend?"

Jaehyun's eye widened at the sudden confession.

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" Jaehyun shouted making almost all the students and some teachers look at them.

Jaehyun didn't mind them and just kissed Taeyong in the lips passionately. He is waiting for this day where he can kiss Taeyong in the lips.

Taeyong kissed back as he put his hands in Jaehyun's nape.

The two pulled away for air and looked at each other.

"I love you Yongie."

"I love you too Jaehyunie."

The two of them hug each other earning an applause from the other students and the teachers.

The program went smooth as the two of them won the couple of the night.

And when the prom night was finished, the two went straight to Taeyong's apartment to have some rest and cuddle.



They are in a relationship now so don't hate me for taking it long lol hahaha.

Btw, this book only has 2 chapters maybe? But it will end this friday so, look forward!!


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