💛All Alone-25💛

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Chapter 25 | Night With You

~Jaehyun's POV~

I woke up by the sound of someone crying.

I look up to see who it was but it was Taeyong. Taeyong is crying and I didn't know why so I wake him up.

"Yongie." I shake him up but his cry got louder. "Yongie, wake up. It's me Jaehyunie."

Taeyong slowly opened his eyes full of tears. Our eyes locked for a moment and he sat up as he hug me while crying.

"Shhh, It's ok, I'm here now." I rub his back and hug him.

The doctor discharge him at night and we soon got out of the hospital.

We got a cab and the ride was quiet.

Not too long we arrived at Taeyong's apartment.

We headed straight to his room and noticed that there is two bed.

"Why are there two beds?" I asked him confused.

"Ahh, that's Yuta's bed. When we were high school he  used to always sleep over here." He said and I nodded.

"So I will sleep there?" I pointed on Yuta's bed while pouting.

"No silly, we're sleeping together." His smile made my heart flutter.

He's so cute I thought.

"I should take a quick shower. You can look around the apartment." He said as he took out some shirts in his closet and walk through the shower.

I look around inside the apartment and I already know he is a clean freak.

His house is so clean that I can even see my own reflection into the floor.

As I came back to his room he's still not finished. I noticed a picture standing in his bedside table.

Why didn't I noticed this earlier? I asked myself.

I grab the photo and smiled at it.

Taeyong is so cute when he was a kid. But who is this kid beside him?

Then I heard the bathroom door opened and turn around to see Taeyong wearing over-sized shirt and is he not wearing something under?

"Hey, you look hot." I suddenly said making me panic. I saw him blush. "I-I mean you look c-cute in this picture." I pointed to the picture from earlier.

"Oh." He looked disappointed. "I'm 8 there and Yuta just turned 8, that's his birthday." He smiled.

We then lay in the bed and cuddled. I can feel his soft thighs skins making me hard.

Wait what?! Don't think dirty Jaehyun! You pervert. He's cute innocent.

"Yongie?" I broke the silence between us.  He hummed in response. "Why did you cry earlier? Did you have nightmare?"

He went quiet and then I can see that his eyes starting get watery.

"No no don't cry. Shhh, you don't need to answer that." I hug him.

"I should tell you about it." He said.

He then told me about what happened to him two years ago. I feel bad about him. I wish I was there, but it's good that Sicheng was there.

"I'm sorry about that." I said.

He just smiled at me and cuddled with me tighter. I smiled at him he's so cute and adorable. Why doesn't anyone love him.

Soon I heard some light snores and I look at Taeyong who is now sleeping.

Aargh he's so adorable. I just want to pinch his cheeks and kiss him on the lips. I thought.

I hope that he wants me to be his boyfriend. I pouted at that thought.

I then soon drifted into dream land while hugging Taeyong tighter.


Update Guys!!


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