💛All Alone-18💛

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Chapter 18 | Amusement Park Part 1

~Taeyong's POV~

Next morning, I woke up by my annoying alarm. I groaned as I turn off my alarm clock. I forgot to turn it off last night.

"Hey Taeyong, you should get ready, we'll be leaving in an hour." Sicheng said then went to the living room.

I follow him then I saw Yuta in the kitchen cooking.

"Yuta? What are you doing here?" I furrowed my brows.

"I just get excited about todays outing, so I decided to visit you two." Yuta said as he platted some foods in the table. "We should eat now."

"Aren't you excited Taeyong?" Sicheng said.

I immediately blush as I thought about Jaehyun being with me the whole day. Yeah, I also remember that we confessed with each other last night and made me blush harder just by thinking that.

"Hey Tae, are you ok? You kept blushing yesterday until now." Sicheng asked.

"Yeah I-I'm fine." I smiled then took a seat and ate.

We finished eating and I washed the dishes in the sink. Sicheng took a bath before me.

Minutes passed and we got ready to go to the amusement park.

I can't help but smile wide while walking into the sidewalk.

We got into Yuta's car, Sicheng in the passenger seat and me at backseat while Yuta drove into the amusement park.

We arrived at the amusement park and as we walk in the entrance, standing there Mark, Donghyuck and Jaehyun.

As I saw Jaehyun, I feel my face blushing.

"Hey, you're red again." Sicheng said.

Why do I keep blushing.

"Taeyong Hyung!" Donghyuck greeted from far.

We approached the three and walk inside the amusement park.

"Wait, Donghyuck, I didn't remember inviting you?" I said.

"What hyung? You said I could bring my boyfriend?" Mark yelled at me.

"What?! So Donghyuck, he is the one you like?" I asked and He nodded with a blush on his face. "Well Good for you."

"Thank you for your advice hyung, it really worked." He winked at me as I giggle softly.

"Hey Taeyong." Jaehyun greeted with a smile.

"H-hi." I stuttered and also blushing.

"So what ride will we go?" Yuta asked?

"Any ride is fine with me." I said and the others nodded in agreement.

"So let's ride the viking." He said and walk into the ride.

We arrived at the viking and we sat at the  backseat of the ride. From left to right, our sitting is Mark, Donghyuck, Me, Jaehyun, Yuta, and Sicheng.

"Ok let's get our day started!" Yuta yelled as the ride started.

Many people yelling in happiness as Me clinging with Jaehyun, still yelling in happiness. Jaehyun is my happiness. I thought and smiled to myself. I look at Jaehyun and caught him staring at me.

I blush as we just stare with each other the whole ride that we didn't notice the ride was finished.

"Ehem!" Yuta fake cough then the both of us averted each other's eyes. "Are you two having staring competition?"

"Ah no." I laughed nervously as we exited the viking ride.

"LET'S GO MAD SWING!!" Donghyuck exclaimed.

"Sure, let's go!" Sicheng exclaimed too.

"Wait, hyung you're afraid of heights right?" Mark asked in worry.

"It's fine as long as we all enjoy this day." I smiled.

"Hey It's ok. I'll hold your hands." Jaehyun smiled at me as he hold my hands. I smiled back.


Here's another chapter! Hope you guys like it.

What do you think about them going to amusement park? And next chapter has more Jaeyong moments so look forward to it.


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