💛All Alone-30💛

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Chapter 30 | Graduated

~Third Person's POV~

1 year later...

"Finally we're graduated!" Yuta exclaimed.

"Yeah, I will sure miss this school." Taeyong pouted.

"Why will you miss this school Yongie?" Jaehyun asked.

"It's because this is where we met." Taeyong smiled.

"Hey, let's go now and party!" Yuta exclaimed.

Their adviser Mr. Moon is having a graduation party for his homeroom class tonight.

"Yuta, the party is later. Are you even listen to Mr. Moon?" Sicheng scolded.

"Oh, sorry. I was just excited." He smiled.

"So, Yuta we'll get going now." Taeyong said. "See you later guys."

Yuta and Sicheng waved at the two.

They are now sharing Taeyong's apartment. Jaehyun moved to Taeyong's place after a week when they confessed.

The two arrived and sit on the couch, very exhausted by the 3 hours graduation ceremony.

After a minutes of resting, the two changed into some comfortable clothes so they could cuddle all day before Mr. Moon's party starts.

After they finished changing, the went to cuddle in their now shared bed.

"I will miss the school." Taeyong started.

"Me too, I have lots of fun there with you." Jaehyun smiled.

"Jaehyunie~" Taeyong called and the latter hum in response. "Our 1 year is next week, can we have a date?"

"Sure Yongie, anything for my baby." Jaehyun smiled.

Taeyong snuggle closer to Jaehyun and suddenly Jaehyun pecked his lips.

"What's that for?" Taeyong asked.

"Graduation gift." He smiled.

"Just a kiss?"

"What do you want baby?"


Jaehyun is surprised by Taeyong's words. He then started tickling Taeyong.

"Where's my innocent baby go huh?"

"J-Jaehyun st-stop." Taeyong laughed hard.

"Why do say those words huh?" Jaehyun stop tickling Taeyong.

"But I want you." Taeyong's eyes started to get watery. "You don't love me anymore?"

Jaehyun got panicked, he didn't know why would Taeyong want to have a sex with him, but he doesn't want to hurt his baby.

"I love you baby. I love you so very much."

"Then why don't you do it with me." Taeyong sob.

"I don't want to hurt you baby."

"It's what I want Jaehyunie~" Taeyong whine.

Jaehyun sighs, he's not in the mood for sex right now.

"Baby, let's do it tonight after the party ok?" Jaehyun cupped Taeyong's jaw.


"Promise." He then kissed Taeyong in the lips.

The night come and the two are on their way to the party with Jaehyun's car.

And soon, the two arrived and went inside Mr. Moon's house.

"Welcome Jaehyun, Taeyong. Come inside." Mr. Moon welcomed them.

The house is big and there are many students inside.

The party is not that loud because Mr. Moon's student is just 39 and some didn't arrived yet.

The two spotted Yuta and Sicheng by the kitchen eating some cake.

They greeted each other and join them eating.

Their classmates soon all came and the party is going smooth.

Taeyong and Sicheng drank a little beer while being scolded by their lover.

"Yongie stop, you'll get drunk." Jaehyun said.

"No." Taeyong grabbed another can of beer and chugged it.

"Taeyong you need to stop already." Sicheng said. Sicheng had a high tolerance with alcohols so he's fine but he stop already so that he can look after Yuta who is now drunk.

"Nooo~" Taeyong whine.

"Sicheng, take a look Taeyong for me a bit, I'll just use restroom." Jaehyun said and ran quickly in the rest room.

Soon he finished in the restroom, and as he left, he was greeted by Doyoung with that gummy smile of him.

"Oh, hey Doyoung." Jaehyun awkwardly greeted.

"Hey how are you?" Doyoung asked as they walk into the kitchen.

"I'm good how about you?"

"I'm happy, I'm engaged with Taeil actually." He show his ring finger to Jaehyun.

"Well congrats then."

"Have you found a lover yet?" Doyoung asked.

"Actually--" Jaehyun was cutted by someone hugging him.

"Jaehyunie~" Taeyong called. "Why are you talking to him? He broke your heart right? You don't love me anymore?" Taeyong's eyes started to get watery.

"No Yongie. I love you very very much." Jaehyun cupped Taeyong's face and kiss him.

"So I'll leave now." Doyoung interrupted.

"Yeah, leave!" Taeyong stomped his feet making Doyoung chuckle at the childish action.

Jaehyun mouthed a sorry to Doyoung as he walk away.

I didn't expect them to be together. Doyoung thought and chuckle.

The two went back to the kitchen where Yuta is sleeping in Sicheng's shoulder.

They sat beside him and Taeyong suddenly connected their lips together and had a tongue fight.

The kiss then suddenly turned out to be a make out session making the both get hard.

They pull away for air and Taeyong feels something in between his legs.

"Jaehyunie~" Taeyong called as Jaehyun hum in response. "I have a problem."

"What baby?"

"Down there." He pointed at his member and Jaehyun blush.

"You want to go home?" Jaehyun asked and Taeyong nodded.

They bid they're good bye to Sicheng and Mr. Moon.

They got into they're car and Jaehyun drive into their apartment as quickly as he can.

And soon the two arrived and as they got inside their shared bedroom, Taeyong connected their lips together.


Last chapter this friday!!


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