💛All Alone-8💛

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Chapter 8 | Tutor Part 1

~Taeyong's POV~

Sicheng and I walk at the book store nearby. He needs to buy a history book actually and dragged me here.

We went inside then the smell of books really is so good. It makes me want to study more.

Sicheng quickly walk into the study books section while I went into the reading books section.

I really like reading, specially wattpad books. So I decided to buy one.

There's one book that catches my eye by the title of 'All Alone'. I pick it then read the description in the back.

'This is where a boy changed that lonely boy's life upside down. Introvert to extrovert person.'

Well it's like my life but there's no one to change my life. I grabbed it then walk out into the reading books section. I saw Sicheng waiting for me into the counter.

"Wait you read wattpad?" He asked in shocked.

"What's wrong with that?" I asked as we paid the book we bought.

"Nothing. I just thought you don't like something like this wasting your time." He said with weird hand gestures.

"Well, I have many of this."

"May I borrow?"

"Sure, they're still at the apartment, I literally just finished it all." I smiled then he smiled back.

I looked at the time to see that it's already 2:50 pm.

"Would you mind helping me with Jaehyun?" I asked him then he really looked shocked. "I mean help me tutor him."

"Ohh." He chuckled nervously. "I thought you want me to help you get Jaehyun."

I blushed.

I rolled my eyes to him then walk outside the book store.

We quickly went to the cafè where he said, unfortunately he's not here.

"Oh he's late." I said as I rolled my eyes.

I take a seat in the back corner beside the glass and Sicheng in front of me. There I saw Jaehyun running towards the cafe. He went inside then saw me and Sicheng as he pants quickly.

He walk towards us then I saw he's carrying a boxed caked.

" Oh. Sicheng, I didn't know you'll come." He said as he take a seat beside me.

"What's that for?" Sicheng asks to Jaehyun as he pointed at the cake.

"Well Me and my boyfriend's 4 months anniversary is today, so I want to surprise him." He smiled.

Aghh, I'm jealous! I shouted to my mind.

"Ok, let's start the tutoring." I said as I grabbed my bag pulling out my notebook.

"Will you make it quick? I will meet him at 4 pm here." He said.

"Sure." I nodded then smiled at him.

As I tutor him, my heart is like beating so fast like it's gonna explode. I can't help it cause Jaehyun is really close to me.

"Tae, are you ok?" Sicheng asked as he sips his iced coffee.

"Yeah why?" I asked back.

"You're red as a tomato." He said then I examine my face in my phone.

I really am as red as tomato.

I then look at Jaehyun who is giggling beside me.

"Continue your work, I'll just order a milk tea." I stood up then he nodded.

I made my way to the counter to order some milk tea.

As I waited, I take a look at the time in the wall clock of the cafe. 3:25 pm.

There, someone went inside the cafe that catches my attention.

" Ohh, Mr. Lee. What are you doing here?" said the man.


Here's another chapter!  What do you think about it?

Who's the one that entered the cafe?

Also, Im sorry for my English grammar hehe. Im not really good on writing so I hope you understand.

And also thank you for 100 reads hahaha.  That means a lot to me since I'm just a starter.

Next chapter on Monday, look forward to it.


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