🖤All Alone-31🖤

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Idk how to do a smut so please bare with me lol.

Chapter 31 | Make Love

~Third Person's POV~

They made their way to their bed not pulling away to their kiss.

Jaehyun felt getting hard and can't wait to make love with his lover.

Jaehyun laid Taeyong to the bed gently as his lips go down to Taeyong's jaw, neck and collarbone.

Taeyong moaned as Jaehyun mark Taeyong as his. Soon Taeyong is covered with purple and red bites called hickeys.

"Jaehyunie, I want you inside me." Taeyong said.

"Let's prep you first ok baby?" Jaehyun said and Taeyong nodded.

Jaehyun doesn't want to hurt Taeyong so he wants to take this slow.

"Strip now baby." Jaehyun said and the latter obeyed.

He takes off his clothes and now he is naked making Jaehyun to get harder.

"You're so beautiful baby."

He then gets lube from their bedside table and sqeezed some on his finger.

Taeyong moaned as he felt a finger inside his entrance. And soon he felt another finger pushed inside his entrance and felt something inside making him moan louder.

Jaehyun knew that he hit Taeyong's sweet spot as the latter's moan get louder.

Abused that spot with just his finger.

He pulled his fingers out as he thinks Taeyong is already stretched enough.

Taeyong whined at the loss of something inside him.

He look up and saw Jaehyun stripping front of him making him more aroused.

He drool at the sight of Jaehyun's body, very muscular and damn those abs.

"Are you ready baby?" Jaehyun asked his voice deep making Taeyong turn on.

He nodded and Jaehyun aligned his harf member into Taeyong's tight hole.

Jaehyun pushed his member and Taeyong moaned. He stop halfway to make Taeyong adjust at his size.

"M-move." Taeyong said, his eyes half closed and panting heavily.

Jaehyun pushed his member all the way in until he's balls deep.

As he thrusted for the first time, Taeyong moaned loudly and he knew that he already hit his sweet spot.

He thrusted slowly but surely to make pleasure to Taeyong still hitting the same spot.

"Faster Jaehyunie."

Jaehyun obeyed and thrusted faster into Taeyong.

Taeyong is now a moaning mess and he gripped tightly into the sheets making his knuckles turn white.

"Ah-ah, Fuck." Taeyong cursed.

Jaehyun thrusted more faster and harder.

Soon loud moans and skin slapping are now heard inside the room.

Taeyong was more sober than earlier.

Jaehyun leaned closer to Taeyong as he kissed his lips still thrusting and still hitting the same spot.

Jaehyun feels Taeyong's hole tightening knowing that the latter is close.

"J-Jaehyun-ie, I'm c-close." Taeyong moaned.

"Me too baby, let it out."

Jaehyun thrusted faster. Taeyong moaned loud as he released warm white seeds into his stomach.

Soon Jaehyun came too inside Taeyong, groaning but still thrusting slowly finishing his high.

Jaehyun cleaned themselves and laid down beside Taeyong.

He wrapped his arms into Taeyong's slim waist and the latter snuggled into Jaehyun's bare chest.

"Thank you Jaehyunie."

"For what?"

"For making love with me."

"Anything for my baby."

"I love you Jaehyunie."

I love you too Yongie."

Jaehyun lean to Taeyong to kiss him in the lips and soon they drifted into sleep.



Thank you~


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