💛All Alone-12💛

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Chapter 12 | Taeyong's advice

~Taeyong's POV~

The next day, Me and Sicheng are sitting under the tree where I was always sitting.

Yuta is absent because of his fever and we will visit him after school. I already excused him to all our teachers.

Jaehyun is also absent for I don't know the reason. Maybe because of yesterday? Also Mr. Moon is our teacher and maybe Jaehyun don't want to see our teacher.

I was reading the book that I had bought yesterday, while Sicheng is eating his sandwich.

We were in total silence as the only sound that surrounds us are the students running around the campus and the fresh air.

"So Sicheng." I broke the silence between us. "When will you tell Mina noona about your relationship with Yuta?" I asked still focusing on my book.

"I don't know, I'll aksed Yuta maybe?" He answered as I nodded to him.

"Taeyong hyung! Sicheng hyung!" someone called us from the entrance of the garden.

We lift our head to see a boy walking towards us.

"Oh Donghyuck, why are you here?" Sicheng asked as Donghyuck sat beside me.

"I'm here for Taeyong's advice." Donghyuck answered.

"My advice? About what?" I furrowed my brows in confusion.

"You see..." Donghyuck sighed. "I like someone, but he doesn't seem to notice." He continued.

"What are you doing to him then?" I asked ready to give an advice.

"I think I just kept bothering him but he seems to be super bothered to me." He chuckled. "But now I don't talk to him anymore, I don't know what to do."

"Since when did you keep bothering him?" I asked.

"Since College started, I really liked him since then, but now it doesn't like I like him, but I love him now." He answered in a sadly tone.

"When did you start avoiding him?"

"Just last week, I think he doesn't even miss me. We're just friends, well for him."

"Do what I will say hmm." I said then he nodded. "Keep avoiding him."


"That way, he will miss you someday."

"You think so?"

"Yeah, if that doesn't work then, feel free to think bad about me." I smiled at him.

"Thanks Taeyong hyung." He smiled. "I'll get going then, see you around."

As soon as he left, the school bell rang.

Sicheng and I were fast to stand up as we pack our things.

We walk through the corridors then arrived to our classroom.

The last school bell rang and Sicheng and I got out the campus immediately.

We bought Yuta some medicine that good for three days as I only bought him 3 capsule yesterday.

We arrived at Yuta's and like yesterday, Mina noona opened the door for us.

We walk straight through Yuta's room.

Yuta is reading some of his school books.

"Hey." I said as we went inside the room.

"Oh, Hey Tae, Winwin-ie" He waved at us.

"How are you?" I asked as I sat on the bed.

"Im feeling better I guess. I can come to school tomorrow." He smiled.

He spreads his arms while looking at Sicheng, yeah they're gonna cuddle again.

And they did.

"So here are some copies of today's lessons." I handed Yuta some papers I got from my bag

"Just leave them there, Im just gonna have a moment w/ my baby." He smiled then looked at Sicheng.

They are kissing and Im really uncomfortable.

"Sicheng, you know you can get sick from Yuta." I said as they pull each other away from the kiss.

"I just missed him so much." Sicheng said then they are back at kissing.


Soon someone came in Yuta's room and there, standing and shocked, Sicheng and Yuta break the kiss immediately.

"Noona, I can explain." Yuta said.


Here's another chapter guys!

Jaeyong moments coming soon.


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