💛All Alone-26💛

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Chapter 26 | Morning With You

~Taeyong's POV~

Next morning came and I felt strong arms snaked around my waist. I opened my eyes slowly as I saw a beautiful man sleeping beside me.

I snuggle to his chest tighter inhaling his strawberry scent.

I felt the arms thighten the grip into my waist and I look up to see Jaehyun awake.

"Good morning Yongie~" He smiled with dimples visible.

Ohh how I wanted to poke those cute dimples.

Not knowing my finger poked his dimples as his smile widen making me blush.

"Good morning Jaehyunie~" I snuggled to his chest closer.

"Did you sleep well?" He asked and I nodded. "How are you feeling? Is your head still hurts?"

"I'm good Jaehyunie. Thank you for taking care of me." I look up to him and smiled.

He then kissed the tip of my nose as we cuddle for about 30 minutes.

"Jaehyunie~" I call him as he hum in response. "I'm hungry."

He then chuckled making me blush. I like how he chuckle.

"Let's make breakfast hmm? Prepare the kitchen and I'll just take a go to the bathroom." He said and I nodded.

We hopped off the bed as Jaehyun went to the bathroom and I went to the kitchen.

I decided that we'll cook pancake so I prepared all the material and ingredients needed.

I sat on the counter as I wait for Jaehyun to finish in the shower. Then my phone vibrated informing me that I had a message. It was from Yuta.

Best Yuta 💚
Hey Tae, How are you?

Best TY 💚
I'm fine now, thanks to Jaehyun.

Best Yuta 💚
Can I and Sicheng come over?

Best TY 💚
Yeah sure.

Best Yuta 💚
Ok, we'll be there in 30 minutes. I'll bring foods ok.

Best TY 💚
Ok, thank you.

I put my phone on the table as I wait for Jaehyun.

What took him so long.

I decided to take a look at him in my room so I went there.

As I was nearing my room, I don't hear the water running in the shower.

I open my room and there I saw Jaehyun topless. His muscular body is such a turn on and gosh those abs. I didn't know I was staring at him when he clear his throat.

"Sorry, I'll wait in the kitchen." I was blushing as I ran quickly in the kitchen.

He's so hot.

I sat again in the counter then I lean my arms in the table as I bury my head into my arms.

Not too long, I felt an arms snaked around my waist and head into my shoulder.

I look in my side and Jaehyun's face was just some inches away to mine making me blush.

"Are you hungry Yongie?" He asked and I nodded.

He then removed his arms in my waist and started walking to the materials that I prepared.

"What should we cook Yongie?" He asked.

"I wanted pancakes." I smiled and he started working. "Also Yuta and Sicheng is coming here."

"That's great." He smiled.

I stood up into my seat and helped Jaehyun on preparing our breakfast.

He was pouring some flour and I accidentally bump into him while the eggs in my hands fell and cracked on the floor then I saw Jaehyun covered with flour.

I bit my lower lip to prevent myself from laughing but failed.

I burst out laughing while his face look annoyed.

"So you're just gonna laugh at me?" He asked sarcastically but I didn't respond as I was laughing real hard.

Soon he threw some flour on my face making me stop from laughing instead making me annoyed.

He then started laughing at me and my eyes started to get watery.

He noticed it and stopped laughing.

"Hey, hey Yongie. Don't cry please." He hug me.

He didn't know that I grab a fistful flour and pulled away from the hug and threw it to his face.

I laughed hard and started running around the house and he was chasing me.

He was chasing me for about 5 minutes when I slip into something making me fall on the couch.

He then hovered the top of me and started tickling me.

"J-Jaehyun." I laughed. "St-stop. It's ticklish."

He was tickling me for 2 minutes but stopped as we were exhausted.

We stared at each other's eyes making me blush. Soon he slowly leaning towards me.

I closed my eyes, thinking what will happen next but someone interrupted.

"Hey Tae--"


Double update because I'm bored Lol hahaha.

Aren't they so cute hahaha.

This book is nearing to an end. There are maybe 5 chapter more.


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