💛All Alone-14💛

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Chapter 14 | Treat

~Taeyong's POV~

The next day, friday, I'm at my P.E class with Yuta and Jaehyun, while Sicheng is in his History class.

"Ok class! 15 minutes break!" Mrs. Park shouted to the whole field.

Me and Yuta got to sit in the bench beside the field with our bags on the grass.

"So I heard you had been a cupid again?" Yuta said while drinking his water.

"What do you mean?" I said as I drink into my water bottle too.

"Sicheng told me that Donghyuck come to you to get some advice about someone."

"Well yeah. What about it?" I asked as I grab a bread into my bag.

"Don't you know that Mark is the one that Donghyuck likes?" He said taking a piece of bread into mine.

"Mark? As in Mark Lee? My cousin?" I asked as I munched my bread.

"Yeah, didn't you know?"


"Well, I saw the two earlier in the cafeteria holding hands." Yuta giggled.

"Oh well, I'm happy for them, specially for Donghyuck. Did he really did what I told him?" I laughed.

"Maybe? Why don't you ask him yourself." He said then I nod.

"What about you?"

"What about me?"

"I mean when will you get a self a boyfriend?" Yuta rolled his eyes.

"You know I can't like someone." I said suddenly remembering Jaehyun.

"What about Jaehyun?"

"I told you, he just got into break up. You expect me to suddenly confess to him? No way. Let me just wait until maybe next week?"

"Yeah, it's up to you when you will confess. But you know I support you as he is your first love."

"I don't love him yet!" I exclaimed. "I just like him."

"Oh, not YET." he laughed.

I slap his arms slightly.

Then we hear a whistle in the middle of the field, signaling us that our 15 minutes break is over.

Yuta ran in the field first as I put my towel inside my bag.

As soon as I started running, I stumble into someone making us fall into the ground.

My eyes closed as we fall, and well that someone is on top on me.

I opened my eyes and I can't believe what I'm seeing. My crus- I mean Jaehyun is on top of me.

It makes me blush and my heart suddenly beating faster than normal, and we stared at each other for a second then we heard another whistle from the field and we flinched, immediately standing up.

"I'm sorry." Jaehyun muttered.

"No it's ok, I'm the one who wasn't looking." I said as we walk in the middle of the field with everyone.

"Let me at least treat you?" Jaehyun said.

"No, it's really ok."

"Please." He beg with his cute eyes on me.

"Fine." I blushed and ran towards our other classmates.

Why would he treat me if we just fall into the ground.

Gosh! He is so freakin' handsome.

Dismissal had come and me, Jaehyun, Sicheng and Yuta are heading to the cafe where I tutored Jaehyun the other day.

We sat in the place where we went here last time. Sicheng and Yuta sit beside each other, while Me and Jaehyun of course sits beside each other.

"So should we start or should we order first?" I asked the three.

"We should order first so we can start not starving." Jaehyun said.


I ordered my favorite of course Strawberry milk tea.

"You like strawberry?" Jaehyun asked startling me.

"Yeah, it's my favorite."

"Here's your order sir." The girl in the counter called with 4 milk teas in the tray.

"I'll pay." Jaehyun said.

"Oh, no, don't." I said.

"I said I treat you right?"

"Well yeah, but Sicheng and Yuta-"

"Just let me."

He's so sweet.

He then paid the girl in the counter then we go back to our table where Sicheng and Yuta are 'study-flirting'.


Hey guys here's another chapter!

What do you think about this chapter?

Also I'm excited on SuperM comeback aaaacckkk!!!


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