💛All Alone-20💛

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Chapter 20 | Confession

~Third Person's POV~

Soon the sun is already setting down and the group is meeting up infront of the ferris wheel where they will ride they're last ride.

"So, shall we go inside?" Yuta said excitedly.

"Yeah sure, let's go by pair." Donghyuck said.

Taeyong's and Jaehyun's heart skip as they know that they will be the one who will pair up.

So, they got inside the ferris wheel be pair.

Jaehyun let Taeyong get inside first as he sat infront of Taeyong.

The ride is quiet but not the awkward one.

"So why are you up so late last night?" Jaehyun started.

"I just can't sleep." Taeyong sighed.


"It's just, I was thinking about..." Taeyong stopped, hesitating if he would tell him or not.

"About what?"

"You." Taeyong blushed as he said that.

"Really?" Jaehyun asked then Taeyong nodded. "Why did you like me?"

Taeyong felt his cheeks blushing harder.
He too didn't know why he like Jaehyun.

"I don't know, when I first saw you enter the classroom, I felt my heart beating so fast that I didn't feel at others, so I asked Yuta and he said it was love at first sight. I also think that you're cute, handsome and kind."

Ok, maybe Taeyong is now as red as tomato now. Jaehyun just smiled at the boy in front of him.

"So I'm your first crush?" Jaehyun asked teasingly and the latter nodded that made Jaehyun's heart flutter.

"What about you?"


"Why did you like me?" Taeyong asked. "You just broke up with your ex and now you like me."

"I like you because you're kinda cute and you're very kind. Also seeing you in the hallway helping the teachers makes my heart flutter. And about Doyoung, I'm fast to move on 'cause I'm used being hurt by him making me don't love him anymore."

"Oh." Was all Taeyong could respond.

"I like you Lee Taeyong."

Taeyong is surprised.

"I wanted to tell you this in personal not through the phone." Jaehyun chuckled. "So may I court you?"

Taeyong is now a tomato, if that's possible. He covered his face by his palm. He is now internally screaming but he keep himself cool and nodded.

"I like you too Jung Jaehyun and Yes I'm willing to be courted by you." Taeyong smiled.

Jaehyun sat beside him and wrap his arms around Taeyong's shoulder. He kissed the boy's forehead and smiled.

Taeyong leaned his head into Jaehyun's shoulder and the two are admiring the stars above them.

~Yuta's POV~

"I'm so happy for Tae." I said as Sicheng lean on my shoulder watching Taeyong and Jaehyun just above us.

"Me too." Sicheng said smiling.

"I'm so glad that he finally found his first love and hoping that he is the last." I said and Sicheng nodded.

"If Jaehyun hurts our Taeyong I'll beat his ass up." Sicheng said and I laughed.

"Yeah, we'll beat him." I giggled.

We went silent for a while just adimring the beautiful sky and stars.

"Babe?" Sicheng broke the silence between us and I hum in response. "Do you mind if I move with you?"

"What do you mean?" I look at him.

"I mean, I want to live with you and your sister."

"Really? Why not? Me and my sister are very welcome for you to be with us." I smiled. "But why so sudden?"

"You know, if Taeyong and Jaehyun will be at the apartment, I don't want to be bother for the two of them." He sighed.

"Ok, pack your things later then I can fetch you tomorrow."

"Ok." He smiled. "I love you babe."

"I love you too."


Hey I'm updating again in the middle of the night haha.

So here's another chapter. What do you think about it? And Jaeyong and Yuwin moments at the ferris wheel.


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