💛All Alone-21💛

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Chapter 21 | Happy Day

~Taeyong's POV~

The day was great and it's time for us to go home, it's already 8 pm.

We were by the exit of amusement park waiting for Mark, Jaehyun and Yuta from the restroom.

"Hey, Tae." Sicheng called.

"Yeah?" I responded.

"Uhmm, I'll leaving to your apartment tomorrow."

"Really? Where will you stay?"

"I'll be with Yuta." He smiled.

"Really? That's good!" I exclaimed as I hug him. "When will you leave?"

"Tomorrow." He smiled.

I'm happy for the two of them, at least they got to live with each other.

Soon the three came and we bid each others good byes.

"Tae, I'll call you okay?" He said as he hug me then kissed my forehead. I hug him back and nodded.

Soon we all separated ways except for me and Sicheng.

We soon arrived at my apartment and slouch down in the couch. We're very exhausted for the day.

"Today was very fun." Sicheng said.

"Yeah, I enjoy it specially with Jaehyun." I smiled.

"You're whipped Tae." He laughed. "Well, I'll pack my things now then I'll go to sleep."

"Sure, I'll just take a quick bath." I went to our room and put my big teddy bear that Jaehyun gave me beside my bed and smiled.

I pick my pajamas inside my closet and went into the bathroom to have a quick shower. After that, I changed into my clothes and sat into my bed. There I saw Sicheng packing his things.

"So Sicheng, what made you live with Yuta?" I asked.

"Why not? Besides if you have Jaehyun, then he will be here and I don't want to bother you two, and also you can't do 'that thing' if I'm here." He smirked.

"What thing?" I asked innocently.

"Gosh Tae you're so innocent." He rolled his eyes playfully as he get back to packing his things.

Soon my phone rang and as soon as I saw the caller's I.D my heart skipped. I answered it.

"Hey Yongie." The other line said cutely making my cheeks blush at the given nickname.

"Hi Jaehyunie~." I smiled.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"Just sitting on my bed. You?"

"Thinking 'bout you." Blush crept on my face.

"Don't do that." I whine.


"You're making me fall deeper for you." I blushed harder and my heart beats faster from what I said.

"You're cheesy." He chuckle and I laughed.

"Can you turn your camera Jaehyunie?"

"Sure Yongie." He then turn on his camera.

"You're so cute."

"You too Yongie."

We face time for about 2 hours and suddenly I felt sleepy. I yawn and Jaehyun heard it.

"Yongie, you feel sleepy?"

"Yeah, but I still want to talk to you~" I whined.

"Yongie, It's not good if you're tired but you didn't rest. You'll have dark circle under your eye if you don't rest. And I don't want that."


"Ok, let's talk for another 15 minutes." He smiled and I smiled back.

~Jaehyun's POV~

So we talk for 2 hours and Taeyong suddenly feels sleepy. He don't want to rest yet so I give him 15 more minutes.

For 5 minutes I was talking to him but he's fighting his sleep.

"Yongie, you really need to sleep."

"Hnggg~ I still have 10 more minutes."

"Fine but after this you will sleep ok." He nodded.

After that and 3 minutes has pass, and I was still talking, I hear some light snore from the other line.

Then I saw Taeyong asleep. Aissh, this kid. I smiled.

"Yongie Good Night~" I said as I kiss the camera and smiled.

I was about to turn it off but I heard some shuffling from the other line.

"Good night too Jaehyunie~" He said then smiled as he drift off to sleep again.

He's so cute. I thought and ended the call.


GUYSSS!! Thank you so much for 1k reads! I'm so happy.

So here's my bonus update to you!

So what do you think about this. Aren't Jaeyong so cute? Hehehe.


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