💛All Alone-24💛

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Chapter 24 | Flashback Dream


~Jaehyun's POV~

When we got out of the campus, we hurriedly jumped into Yuta's car and drive to the hospital so that they can treat Taeyong's head.

The doctor said it's not that bad and he can rest here until he wakes up.

The doctor left us then came inside the room where sleeping beaut-- I mean sleeping Taeyong is laying in the bed.

"So Jaehyun, you can take care of Taeyong right?" Yuta asked and I nodded. "We'll get going then. Take care."

Yuta and Sicheng bids their goodbye then left.

I grab a chair and sat beside Taeyong then holds his hand.

"Why did Mina do this to you?" I kissed his back hand. "I hope you wake up sooner." I smiled then kissed his forehead.

I decided to take a nap to wait for Taeyong to wake up.

~Third Person's POV~

Taeyong's fridge is out of stock. It's already dark outside but he needs to eat.

He decided to buy some foods from the nearest convenience store outside the apartment.

As he was walking, he heard someone following him. He feel cold and  totally freezing, why did I forgot to bring jackets. He thought.

He fasten his pace but the other footsteps are doing the same.

He turn around and saw no one.

"Hello?" He asked then his voice just echoed.

He shrugged then starting to walk again.

He arrived in the convenience store and went inside. There, he saw Sicheng in the counter working.

"Oh, Hi Taeyong. What are you doing here? It's already dark." Sicheng asked.

"My fridge is out of stock and I need to eat." Taeyong answered.

"But it's dangerous, you're not a night person."

"But I need to eat." Taeyong pouted.

"Fine. Go get something and go, it's dangerous outside." Sicheng said and the latter nodded.

Taeyong got everything he needed and pay for it.

"Be careful outside ok, call me when you feel something is not right." Sicheng said.

Taeyong nodded and walk out the store.

As he was walking, he heard again that someone is following him.

He got his phone through his pockets and dialed Sicheng's number.

"Hello, Sicheng come her--" Taeyong dropped the phone as he turn left and someone grab his waist and covered his mouth with a sweaty palm.

"Hello beautiful." The man smirked.

"No, don't hurt me. Please." Taeyong pleaded.

"Oh, I won't hurt you, I just want my dick inside your mouth."

"Please don't." Taeyong started to cry.

The man let Taeyong into his knees and started to unzip his own pants.

On Sicheng's side, he heard what the man said to Taeyong. He started to run and hearing some sob not far from him.

He know he is near as the sob got louder and as he turn left he saw Taeyong crying while the other man's cock is in Taeyong's mouth.

"HEY!" Sicheng shouted. He ran into the man but the man started running.

But Sicheng is faster so he tackled the man's foot and stumble. Sicheng knock him off as he punch the man's face repeatedly.

He then called the police about the the incident and the officer is soon to be there.

He got Taeyong who is crying while throwing up. Taeyong is so disgusted by himself so he threw it all up.

"Shhh, stop crying I'm here and the police got the man." Sicheng hugged the crying boy.

They return to the store and Sicheng closed it so he can bring Taeyong home safe.

They arrive at Taeyong's apartment and Sicheng called Yuta immediately.

Not too long, Yuta barged inside Taeyong's apartment.

"TAEYONG!!" Yuta exclaimed as he saw Taeyong crying hard into Sicheng.



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