💛All Alone-10💛

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Chapter 10 | Break Up

~Jaehyun's POV~

It can't be.

My eyes were widen as the man turn around.

"Bunny?" I gasp as I cover my mouth. I was very shock.

"Dimples?" He said as his eyes are also widely open.

Taeyong and Sicheng look into me then they exchange look then look into me again.

"Wait, you know each other?" Mr. Moon asked as he pointed to us.

I clenched my fists in anger.

"How dare you!" I said to Doyoung as my eyes started to get watery.

"Look, Dimples, let me explain." He said as he grab my hand but I swat them away before he touch me.

"What? There's no need to explain." I said. "It's our 4 months anniversary and this is what I get?"


"Don't you ever call me by that!" I started to get packing my things. "Taeyong, let's continue the tutor tomorrow." I said as he nods at me.

"I'm sorry." He beg.

As I started walking away but he grab my hand that makes me turn around.

"Please forgive me." He kneeled.

"Again?" I rolled my eyes. "I already forgiven you like 4 times by your mistakes and you just kept hurting me." I said as tears rolled into my eyes.

"Dimples please." He beg as he started crying too.

"I said don't you call me by my nickname!" I shouted that makes the people in cafe look at us. "We're over now... Doyoung."

I stormed out to the cafe then started to cry harder. I went home after that, good thing there's no one home. I went into my room and starts breaking down.

~Taeyong's POV~

Jaehyun stormed out to the cafe. The people started gossiping about what happened. Well as an introvert, I ignored it. I start packing my things and I noticed the cake and a box beside it in the table.

The man named Doyoung is crying in the table next to us being comforted my Mr. Moon. I grabbed the cake and the box then went to their table.

"Excuse me Sir, Jaehyun said it's your 4 months anniversary right?" I asked Doyoung then he nods. "I think this was for you. Its a cake and I dont know what's inside the box." I put the two on their table. "Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going now."

"Thank you." He sobs. "Excuse me kid, please check Jaehyun."

"Why? I don't even know his number nor address." I said.

"Please, make sure he's ok. I know he's breaking down right now. It's the 5th time I did it to him." He said as he sobs. "Let me give you his number and address."

I nodded then I pull my phone from my pocket then gave it to him. He started typing the number of Jaehyun's and once he's finished he returned it to me and muttered a thank you.

I bow then leave the cafe with Sicheng.

We walk going back to my apartment when suddenly my phone vibrated.

"Hello, Yuta." I answered the phone.

"Taeyong, can you please buy some medicine? I'm feeling worse."

"Oh, ok let me just change then I'll go to your house."

"Ok thank you."

I hang up then slid my phone into my pocket.

"What's wrong with Yuta?" Sicheng asked.

"He's feeling worse. He wants me to buy medicines." I said. "Then I'll go to his house."

"Oh, may I come?" Sicheng asked.

"Sure, he only had his sister though."

"Sister?" Sicheng furrowed his eyebrows.


Im really not good at writing stories, specially my bad english grammar. Please understand.

Btw, what do you think about this chapter?

Yeah, Jaehyun had a break down. What do you think will happen next.

Im sorry if I dont have any Jaeyong moments because I want this story to be slow about them. But dont worry, Maybe about 3 chapters then I have Jaeyong moments.

Also next chapter on Friday, please look forward to it.

WayV's Bad Alive MV later, so excited

Winwin bias 💚

Winwin bias 💚

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All Alone | JaeYongWhere stories live. Discover now