💛All Alone-19💛

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Chapter 19 | Amusement Park Part 2

~Third Person's POV~

Going to the Mad Swing Ride, Jaehyun and Taeyong are holding hands with a blush evident with each other's cheeks.

Without noticing, Yuta are walking behind Jaehyun and Taeyong as he clear his throat startling the two.

"What's with the holding hands huh?" He asked sarcastically.

The two blush harder as they removed they're hands at each other.

"Nothing." Taeyong answered then fasten his pace to the ride.

"So Jaehyun?" Yuta called as Jaehyun hum in response.

"So you two aren't dating am I right?" Yuta asked sarcastically again.

"Uhmm." Jaehyun blushed. "N-not yet."

"Not YET?!" Yuta exclaimed. "What do you mean not yet?"

"I-uhmm, I'm courting him." Jaehyun answered.

Seriously, Yuta is about to scream right now.

"Oh my gosh." Yuta said as his eyes starting to tear. "My, my best friend is having love life."

"Hey, Yuta, don't be such a drama king. It's good that he will have someone to take care of him." Sicheng said.

"Still, I'm happy for him." He soon ran to Taeyong.

"Sorry about him. He's over dramatic." Sicheng said.

"It's ok." Jaehyun laughed. "Why is he like that to Taeyong?"

"Well, Yuta and Taeyong had been best friends since child. Their parents are great friends so they treat each other like a brother. Taeyong has been alone ever since his parents died when he is attending high school, and at the same time I came to Yuta's life that Taeyong is always being left behind. Now we're here for him after we knew that something bad happened to him." Sicheng said in a sad tone.

"Ohh, I'm sorry about that." Jaehyun said.

"Don't say that to me." Sicheng said as he walk past to Jaehyun.

What happened to him? Jaehyun shrugged that thought as he followed the others.

Soon they arrived at the Mad Swing ride and Jaehyun can tell that Taeyong is nervous just by seeing the ride.

"Hey, It's ok, I'm not gonna let go of your hand." Jaehyun grab Taeyong's hand and squeezed it.

Taeyong smiled at him as they're about to take a seat into the ride.

Jaehyun didn't let go of Taeyong's hand as the ride started.

Many people started shouting as well as Taeyong screaming Jaehyun's name.

"JAEHYUN! JAEHYUN! JAEHYUN!" Taeyong yelled while his eyes shut and squeezing Jaehyun's hand hard.

Jaehyun chuckled and find the boy cute just by shouting out his name.

Soon, the ride is finished and the group is out of the ride.

"Hey! That was fun! I didn't feel scared at all!" Taeyong exclaimed and didn't realize that he was still holding Jaehyun's hand.

"Yeah, because your eyes are shut and you're holding my hand." Jaehyun said as he lift his hand with Taeyong's and the latter immediately blush and removed his hand.

"It's already lunch. We should eat now." Yuta said.

"Well me and Donghyuck had already planned our lunch, so we will see you later again." Mark said as the two walk away.

"Yeah, see you later." Taeyong waved at the two. "So where you wanna eat?" Taeyong asked Yuta.

"Actually we also already planned our lunch so we gotta get going." Yuta said.

"Wait what?!" Taeyong exclaimed.

"Don't worry I trust Jaehyun, right?" Yuta winked signaling Jaehyun that he and Taeyong need some time alone.

"Ahh, yes don't worry." Jaehyun laughed nervously.

"So yeah, we better get going." Yuta said as the two walk away with holding hands.

"So w-where do you want to eat?" Taeyong uttered while fidgeting his fingers in his back.

"Anywhere is fine. Where do you want?" Jaehyun asked back then they started walking.

"I want to eat hotdogs, I saw some over there." Taeyong pointed at where a hotdog stand is.

"Sure, let me treat you." Jaehyun smiled making Taeyong's heart flutter.

"No, It's ok-"

"Hey, I said I'll court ok?"

Taeyong's blush is evident and hide his face into his palm.

Soon, they arrived at the stand and ordered. They ate quietly as Taeyong is staring at how handsome Jaehyun is.

Jaehyun caught him and smiled showing his dimples, making the latter's heart to skip.

"Don't stare too long, I might melt." Jaehyun said as he took a bite into his food.

"Oh, sorry, you're just so handsome." Taeyong whispered the last sentence but Jaehyun still able to hear it making him chuckle.

Soon the two of them finished and played some games inside the amusement park.

Jaehyun won a big teddy bear that Taeyong wants, and so he gave it to the latter.

Taeyong can't help but smile and blush.


Hey guys, sorry for updating at 2 am, I just can't sleep haha.

So yeah, here's another chapter! Do you like this chapter?

Also this book is nearing 1k reads yay! I'm so happy!


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