💛All Alone-28💛

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Chapter 28 | Ask A Girl

~Taeyong's POV~

It's been 3 months since I met Jaehyun and confessed our feelings for each other.

He's still not my boyfriend though but what Sicheng said to me still lingers in my mind.

Just tell him before it's too late. He might find other guy out there and you'll regret it.

I shook my head and starting eating my lunch.

We were at the cafeteria at our usual table.

"Hey Taeyong, are coming in the prom night next week?" Sicheng asked.

"I don't know." I shrug my shoulders.

"They said that if we attend, your partner must be opposite of your gender." Sicheng said and by the tone of his voice he is disappointed.

I just respond with an 'oh' and went back to eat my lunch.

"If that so, I guess I'm not?" I said not sure.

"Why not Yongie?" Jaehyun asked.

"Because I want you to be my partner." I pouted.

"We'll still be together the whole night though, we just need partner for the entrance." Jaehyun smiled.

"Really?" I smiled but that fade immediately. "But I don't have courage to ask girls."

"It's ok, I'll just ask my cousin to be your partner, she attends here." He said and my smile went wide.

"Thank you! Thank you!" I hug him and he hug me back. "But what about you? Who will be your partner?"

"Don't worry Yongie, almost all of my cousins are girls and they all attend this school." He smiled.

We then finished our lunch and the bell rang informing us that the lunch break is finished.

We walk into our room and the class started.

Next day came and Jaehyun said to wait him at the garden.

The school day is finish and he said that he wants me to meet someone.

It's probably his cousin.

Soon two figures from not too far are walking towards me.

I stood up and walk to them.

There I saw Jaehyun and a girl. I suddenly feel jealous just by seeing them together.

Get it together Taeyong, she's Jaehyunie's cousin.

I smile to the two as I approached them.

"Hi you must be Taeyong." She smiled and I nodded with a shy smile. "I'm Jennie, Jaehyun's elder cousin. So you don't have a partner for the upcoming prom?"

"None, I'm just too shy to ask a girl out so Jaehyunie helps me."

"Ohh Jaehyunie." She wiggled her brow.

"Jennie, we're just friends." Jaehyun suddenly said and I felt a pang in my heart.

Of course, we're not in a relationship yet.

"But I'm courting him." He then smiled as he scratches the back of his head.

"Ohh, ok. I'll take good care of him in the prom. Nice meeting you Taeyong, I'll be going now." She then waved at us and walk away.

"She's so nice. I like her." I said and I received a glare from Jaehyun. "As a friend cuz I like you more."

He the smiled and kiss my forehead.

"Let's get going. I'll be sleeping over again." He smiled.

"Really? What about your uncle, does he know?" I asked.

"Yeah, he also know that I court you and he actually supports me." He smiled.

We went to the cafe we often go and ordered some milktea before going to my apartment.

Jaehyun's been sleeping over in my apartment everyday making him like he lives with me. But still go to his uncle's house sometimes.

I want to be with him everyday so I decided to that I'll be his' and he'll be mine at the prom night.


Update Guysss!

Idk why but I just like to update in the middle of the night lol hahaha.

So what do you think about this chapter?


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